Chapter 33

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Although it was nearing midday, it seemed closer to midnight. The skies were overcast with thick, grey clouds, while a heavy rain pounded down on the muddy fields.
Zelda thought it was quite fitting. She and Link had just finished their rounds inside the walls to check on the injured and offer them some comfort. After that they had paid their respects to the deceased, who lay discreetly covered near an abandoned corner of the grounds, waiting to get the proper ceremony.
     There were too many of them. None of the Races had been spared the worst fate.
     Zelda was secretly grateful for the rain washing the tears from her face as she stood staring out over Hyrule Field.
     It still weighed heavy on her, all those deaths, all those wounded, because they had fought for her cause. It was yet another burden to add to her guilt and clench her heart.
But the constant assaults had stopped, for now.
There were still monsters everywhere she looked, but they no longer tried to breach their walls. They just sat there. Waiting.
She didn't know if that made her feel any better. It felt like there was something big and ominous looming over their heads, but she simply couldn't see it.
Link stood behind her, his hand lightly on her shoulder, but she could still feel the tension in his body. He, too, was on edge. He didn't like this any more than she did.
But the rain kept pouring and the monsters kept sitting there, watching them.

Zelda sighed deeply, then turned to head back down. Her eye caught Link's for a split second, but it instantly made her feel a little better. Just his presence was enough to lift her spirits. She still couldn't quite believe he was really there.
Yet his footsteps sounded right behind her as she descended, and every now and then he would touch her lightly, as if he was also trying to make sure this was real.
They made their way to where Epona stood waiting. Zelda hadn't had a chance to find her own horse, but she absolutely didn't mind having to ride double with Link. His arms wrapped around her in a cocoon of safety and warmth, and she could feel every movement of his strong body against her back.
For the entire ride up to the castle that was what she focused on, letting her mind linger on her feelings for him, instead of all her feelings of guilt and shame.
     When they entered the room everybody was already waiting for them.
Sidon and Riju stood near the windows, looking out at the sheets of rain obstructing their view of Hyrule Field.
The rest of them sat at the table, talking quietly or staring ahead. But as soon as Zelda took her place everyone snapped to attention and sat up straight.
The princess looked around the room, smiling grimly. She then settled on the old man, noticing how much deeper the lines on his face had become. 'How are things in de castle?'
     Toffa clasped his hands together, but managed a small smile. 'It is all under control, Princess. We found a suitable place for everyone and are taking care of rations. The people are safe here.'
     Zelda nodded gratefully. That was one small worry she could take from her mind.
     But there were plenty more to come. As their meeting progressed and her officers updated her on the assaults, the damage, and the injuries and deaths of their people she felt the familiar heavy weight settle on her chest.
     Their small victory over Ganondorf was already forgotten. He would come again, and there was no defeating him without the Master Sword.
     'We have to try and restore it,' she said, when eventually the conversation turned in that direction.
     'How?' Sidon asked, looking around the table. 'No smith we have would know where to start. Isn't it some kind of magical blade?'
     Zelda nodded, looking over at Link.
     He shrugged. 'To be honest, I don't know that much about its origins. It's been in the Great Forest as long as anyone could remember, until I took it out.'
     'Maybe if we bring it back there...' Riju suggested. She looked around the table, less than certain. 'I mean, isn't it the only option that makes any sense?'
     Zelda nodded. She had thought of it too. But she knew there would be resistance to what she was about to say next.
     'I want to go there.'
     Immediately there was an uproar in the room as multiple people started talking at once.
     Eventually Toffa stood up from his chair and planted his hands firmly on the table, leaning over and looking at her intently. 'You cannot go, Princess. Not with everything happening here!' He shook his head. 'The people need your support. They need to see you! It's what gives them hope. What will they think when you leave them to their fate?'
     She sighed. It was hard to look him in the eye, his face so full of concern. 'I know. Trust me, I do. But if I stay here and the monsters start attacking again, or Ganondorf himself returns...' Zelda shrugged. 'I won't be able to keep giving them hope, because we will be overrun in the end. And what good will it do then? When they see me fail?' Her voice caught at the last word, but she tried to hide her feelings as best as she could.
     'Our best hope, our only hope, is to find a way to defeat the Demon King. We have to bring the fight to him. And for that we need the Master Sword.'
     'Very well,' Teba said, having remained quiet to that point. 'But why can't Link take it there? Or any of us?' He shrugged, casting her an apologetic look.
     Others around the table nodded, and Sidon even offered to do it himself.
She waited for them to calm down, so that she wouldn't have to repeat herself. 'I don't just want to bring the sword. I want to speak to the Great Deku Tree. He may have some wisdom for us on all of this.' She paused, glancing at Link. 'There are a few things I want to ask him.'
The knight frowned at her, as if wondering what she meant, but she continued on.
'I can't stay here and let others do everything for me.' She looked at Toffa again. 'I won't be inspiring much hope or courage with sitting around. I have to go.'
'And who will rule in your stead?' He asked sharply. 'Who will lead your army into battle while you're away?'
The way he said it cut through Zelda's heart, but she had made up her mind. She was of no use here, not as long as this needed to be done.
Once more she glanced at Link, pain and dread filling her heart, but she forced herself to say it. 'Link could do it. He is as much their leader as I am. In battle even more so.'
She noticed the look of hurt pass over his face, no matter how quickly he tried to hide it. She knew he felt betrayed that she hadn't discussed this with him. But he would have tried to talk her out of it, and she didn't have the strength to tell him no. Of course she wanted him with her. The thought of leaving him again after having only just reunited was like a knife in her stomach.
She turned back to Toffa, wanting to know if that would satisfy him. But then Link spoke up, his voice icy calm.
'I won't. I'm coming with you.'
Zelda briefly shut her eyes, overcome by her personal feelings and hoping he would take it back. But he wouldn't. Of course not.
The tension in the room grew so thick it was almost palpable, and she noticed Riju shift in her seat uncomfortably.
Then she looked at her knight. His face was as calm as his voice had been, but his eyes were alive with emotion.
Zelda wondered if he, too, was thinking of that day in Faron Woods where she had told him to go to Gerudo Town. He had felt so betrayed back then, but eventually he had seen the reason in it. Somehow he didn't seem to see that reason now.
'I am still your appointed knight,' he said quietly, a small quiver in his voice betraying his anger. 'I am cured of the Malice poison, so you have no excuse to send me away this time.'
Teba coughed discreetly from across the table, while others did their very best to disappear into their seats.
'I carry the Master Sword,' Link went on. 'So I will bring it back to the forest. You are not going alone.' His voice was now sharp as a knife, and Zelda hardly dared to breathe. She had never seen him this angry before.
An awkward silence fell, but the princess was at a loss for words. She didn't even truly want him to stay back, so she didn't feel very compelled to contradict him. Even if she did, with how he had said it she doubted she would have any chance of convincing him.
     Link shrugged. 'So that's decided then.' He looked around the table defiantly, as if daring anyone to pick a fight with him.
     It was again Toffa who spoke up, and Zelda didn't know if she admired his bravery or if she was annoyed by his reluctance to let it go.
     'Wait a minute,' he said, holding his hands up. 'You can't both go! Who will be here to protect the castle? And what if something happens to you out there?' He raised his eyebrows at Zelda. 'There is no one to take your place, Princess. You have no heirs.'
     At those words her stomach dropped and she could feel all colour drain her face. The familiar grief washed over her in a flood of pain, leaving her nearly breathless.
     From the corner of her eye she could see Sidon grimace, as he looked at her full of concern. On her other side Link had gone stiff as a rod, his knuckles white around the armrest of his chair.
     Toffa, oblivious to their reaction, went on relentlessly. 'You could appoint an heir, but that takes time. Prince Sidon has helped out before, but as a Zora he has no right to the Hylian throne.' He quickly glanced at him, before looking at Zelda again. 'Unless you were to marry him.'
     'What?!' Zelda called out, incredulously.
     Others around the table scoffed, or muttered in shock, while Sidon himself laughed weakly.
Link jumped to his feet, slamming his hands on the table as he turned his eyes on the old man. 'You know that's not going to happen.'
     Even from his other side Zelda could feel the heat of his stare. She could see his body tremble in anger.
     Toffa himself held up his hands defensively. 'He would be a good ruler, we know that much. And I don't see you have any children of your own anytime soon.' He raised his eyebrows at Link, as if to question him about it.
     This time Zelda couldn't keep in a gasp. She grabbed Link's arm, just before he was about to launch himself across the table.
     With difficulty she took in a deep breath, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to fall. There were too many emotions battling in her mind.
     If she actually thought about it, she did see where the old man was coming from. He had lived most of his live without a ruler on the throne. He had seen the hardships first hand. Of course he wanted to have some kind of assurance that that wouldn't happen again. He was looking out for the kingdom as best he could.
     She sighed, pulling Link back down in his seat and laying her hand on his arm. She could feel the muscles under his skin, tight as a cord, but he merely kept glaring across the table.
     'There will be an heir,' she said quietly. She could no longer bear to look at Link. 'There is only one person I intend to marry.' A small shiver went through him, only perceptible because she still had her hand on his arm. Other than that he gave no reaction.
Zelda sighed again, seeing Toffa's skeptical look. 'I... we...' She weakly gestured between her and Link, struggling to find the words.
The knight then looked at her, all anger having melted from his bright blue eyes. They were now full of love again, and understanding. He moved his arm to grab her hand in his, giving it a gently squeeze.
'There would have been an heir,' she finally croaked out, 'not too long from now. But Ganondorf put an end to that.'
A stunned silence fell, as everyone stared at her, trying to process what she had said.
Then Riju jumped up from her seat and ran over, throwing her arms around the princess. 'Oh Zelda! I'm so, so sorry.' She tightly pulled her against her.
     From between her arms Zelda could see others looking around uncomfortably, muttering their condolences.
Link looked as if he'd rather be anywhere but there.
If she hadn't felt so overwhelmed, Zelda might have laughed about the look on Toffa's face. His eyes were opened wide, his mouth opening and closing uselessly. He seemed absolutely horrified, completely at a loss for words.
Eventually they all settled down again, but Zelda was overcome by exhaustion. The loss of their child felt even more real now, and it was like she had to struggle for every breath.
'There's no more discussion,' she managed to say. 'Link and I will go.' She looked over at him, begging with her eyes for him to help her.
Thankfully he seemed to understand perfectly. He squeezed her hand again and nodded lightly. 'We'll go make our preparations.' He glanced out the window, where it was still grey and gloomy. 'I think we'll head out first thing tomorrow.' He shot her a quick look for approval and she nodded.
Zelda got up, trying to hide her trembling hands or the way her vision blurred at the edges.
'We'll keep the castle safe, Zelda,' Sidon said with a reassuring nod.
Before she could even thank him, Nell jumped up, nodding his agreement. 'I won't let you down, Princess. I might not be the first, nor the best option to do any ruling, but I'll make sure our men will stand strong.' He glanced around the room, a little awkward under all that attention. 'With these four champions the castle will be in good hands.' He grinned sheepishly, but Sidon and Riju nodded solemnly, while Yunobo seemed surprised to even be counted amongst them.
Teba, on the other hand, was leaning back in his chair, slowly shaking his head. 'Those three, you mean. I'm not staying here.'
Zelda was still trying her best not to show how weak she felt, so it took her a moment to register what he had said. Then she frowned at him. She wanted to ask what he meant, but didn't trust her own voice. Besides, she felt sick to her stomach and tried very hard to keep her last meal inside.
Luckily the Rito soon ended his dramatic pause. 'I'm coming with you.'
A thousand questions popped into her head, but Zelda simply didn't have the energy for them. Not right now.
Link was standing beside her, his hand still in hers, but she could see him studying her face. She wondered if she was as pale and sweaty as she felt, and if he knew about the panic coursing through her body. She had to get out of here.
'We'll discuss this later,' he said, stepping away from the table and protectively putting a hand on her back as he guided her with him.
Zelda could see the confusion on their faces, and the concern on that of Riju, but right now she had other things on her mind.
Link got her through the door and closed it behind them, shot her one more look and started rushing down the hall.
She could do no more than blindly stumble along with him, but his strong hands kept her upright. If not for that, she might have collapsed a dozen times before they reached her rooms.
But they finally got there, and she could crumble onto her bed.
All strength had left her body. She was weak and shaky and struggling to breathe, gasping for air. Her hands were clammy, black dots danced through her vision and bile rose in her throat.
'You're okay, Zelda,' Link's voice came drifting through a haze. 'Just breathe.'
He sounded so calm. She couldn't understand why he wasn't more alarmed. She felt like she was dying. Surely he would notice that?
But Link kept muttering soothing words in her ear, his hand stroking her back.
At least he was there while she died.

It seemed to go on endlessly. Her body whirled and writhed as she tried to suck in enough air. Tears and snot were running down her face and into her mouth, causing her to struggle even more.
Flaming hot bursts of pain shot through her midriff as she cried out, but she just couldn't breathe.
'Come on, Zelda,' Link muttered. 'You can do it. Breathe in. Deep breath.' He put his hand on her chest. 'Now out. Good.' He lowered his hand to her stomach. 'Now in again, all the way to here.'
She tried to do what he said, focusing on his voice and on his hand. He was always so strong, so unwavering. His voice always managed to soothe her. With him she felt safe.
'That's it,' he mumbled, pressing a kiss against her temple. 'Just keep breathing.'
He held her in his arms, sitting behind her against the headboard of the bed. One hand was still on her stomach, the other gently stroking her arm. And finally, after what seemed like forever, Zelda could breathe again.
Her vision returned to normal and her heart rate leveled out. Eventually even her breathing slowed down.
Link kept holding her, his hand still moving over her skin soothingly.
Suddenly Zelda was completely overcome by exhaustion again. She was comfortable against his chest, safe and warm. So before long she just couldn't keep her eyes open anymore.
The last thing she remembered was Link pressing a kiss on the top of her head, whispering that she was safe with him.

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