Chapter 4-3

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At the mall

"This would look really cute on you!" Natalie said. She held a simple light blue dress up to Audrey's shoulders. "It'll really showcase your figure, not to mention those legs of yours would look phenomenal."
Natalie's brows furrowed together in serious thought. "But this green one just goes with you, and it highlights your eyes. Hmm, this is a tough one."
Audrey stood patiently in front of the fitting room mirrors, her face a little red.
"I think she would absolutely stand out with a red dress," Sam said, holding up a red cocktail dress to her.
"That red does complement her eyes. Wow you have really pretty eyes Audrey," Natalie said.
"Oh uh thank you," Audrey said nervously. She instinctively looked down and pondered at the dresses she was holding. She looked over to Looz, who was laying on a bench. She was on her phone, bored.
"Looz, why don't you join us and try on some dresses?" Natalie motioned, showing a nice purple dress to her.
"Thanks but no thanks, color me not interested," she said, her gaze not leaving her phone.
Natalie grew slightly offended.
"Does she just not like doing anything fun?" she whispered to Sam.
"She's built different, she's not into dressing up."
Natalie quickly eyed her, "I see."
Looz gets up from her lounging position.
"Alright, I'm hungry. I'm going to get a snack, want to come along Audrey?"
"Oh yeah sure!"
"Wait but I had so many outfits I wanted to try on with you Audrey," Natalie said. She held up two new dresses.
"Oh but I'd feel bad if Looz had to go all by herself."
"It's okay sweetie, I'll go with her," Sam mentioned, "I'm also getting kind of hungry. Besides, I do owe her one."
"Okay cool, lets go, we'll meet you guys at Book Nook right?" she asked Audrey.
"Yeah. Be safe, see you soon."
They departed, Natalie and Audrey continued looking at the dresses She picked out. Audrey felt a bit uncomfortable at the selection that Natalie was choosing for her. They were mostly revealing or low cut, clothing she almost never wore unless it was for a certain occasion. She certainly never wore anything like that to school.
"I kind of like the green one, it's...a nice shade." Audrey voiced.
Natalie nodded her head in agreement, holding it up to inspect it again.
"Yea, I think it's best suited for you, not that many people can pull off green but you do it pretty well." Natalie laughed.
She handed the dress to Audrey and pushed her toward the fitting room.
"Well don't be shy! Go try it on!"
Audrey was taken aback.
"Right now!?"
Natalie opened the fitting room door and gently guided Audrey in.
"Of course! Where's the fun in just looking?! You have to try some things on! Come on, it'll be great!"
Before Audrey could say anything Natalie shut the door. Audrey stood in the small room for a few seconds unmoving. She looked at the dress and then at herself in the mirror. "It wouldn't be bad to just try it on," she thought to herself.
"While you're trying that on I'm going to try something on too!" Natalie hollered to her from the adjacent room.
After changing, Natalie called to Audrey.
"You ready? On three we'll show each other our outfits"
Audrey giggled to herself. "I'm ready!" She called out.
"One. Two. Three!"
Both girls came out from their respective rooms. Natalie was clad in a red lace cocktail dress.
Audrey was wearing a mint green princess dress.
"It totally does bring out your eyes! And your curves! You look adorable!" Natalie clapped her hands together in glee.
Audrey blushed, fiddling with the dress.
"Thanks. You look beautiful!" Audrey said.
Natalie waved away her comment, but smiled.
"The one who looks the best here is clearly you."
As exciting and new as this experience felt, Audrey felt the intense urge of wanting to get out of the dress and into her normal clothes. Natalie checked herself out in the mirror, at all angles. Audrey stood off to the side and casually gave herself a once over. She looked different, but she liked it, almost as if she were looking at someone else.

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