Chapter 13-3

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20, Nov. 2015 Fri
Day of the Formal

  The spacing out had been less apparent lately. In situations like the upcoming dance, she'd be gone. But she wasn't. In fact, she looked forward to it. Even the new looks and greetings from people she had never seen before, didn't phase her. She was finally being seen, which wasn't as bad as she thought.

  The brisk air seemed non-existent as she stepped into the bright sunlight from out of the class building. The sun was high in the sky when classes ended. She made her way to the lunch tables near the library, where she would wait for her friends. She was the first one there, sitting on the cool red-grid bench. More students came by greeting her, even stopping to talk for a quick second. It was unreal. It made her nervous but it was a feeling that kept her warm.

  Eventually, Adrian finally made it. Now that she wasn't alone, her peers receded to just greeting her.

  "Enjoying your newfound popularity?" Adrian Asked. He flashed a cheeky smile. He seated himself opposite to her, pulling up his sleeves to his palm. His body crunched up at the soft breeze blowing past them.

  "Sort of, it's kind of surreal to go from nothing to someone overnight," she said. She pulled up her cuffs as well, mimicking him. "Hey, you were never nothing," he said, in a cut-that-out tone. "I didn't mean nothing, you know what I meant," she said.

  "I know, I was just saying." Jacob and Natalie were the next to show up, arm in arm. Natalie scooted in quickly next to Audrey. Jacob sat next to Adrian, who was looking at Jacob up and down. Probably the fact that he wasn't wearing a jacket. Audrey noticed too.

  "You aren't cold?" Adrian asked. Jacob simply shook his head. "Nah," he said, "Dani and I are gonna do some laps in a bit, it's too hot for a jacket." Adrian turned his face to meet Audrey. His look said it all. Sam and Looz finally made it, with the pleasant addition of Sebastian.

  Sam seated herself on the table next to Adrian, her leg bent going across the table, facing the group. "Are you guys ready for the dance tonight," she said. It was obvious she was and it seemed Natalie matched her enthusiasm. "Yes! I'm so excited, I just can't hide it," she sang.

  "Yeah me too! It's my first dance and I get to go with three of my best friends," Audrey said. She looked at Looz, waiting for her to give her thoughts. She could see Looz wasn't as excited as the rest of them. But not because of the dance. Something in her eyes gave away her true feelings.

  "What's wrong, Looz?" Audrey asked.

  "Don't hate me Dri.." she said. That's never a good sign. "I had work today and I'll be late for the dance." an audible gasp came from Sam. Adrian exchanged his looks between Looz and Audrey. You could see the questions bouncing around his head. Anxiety steadily started to creep in.

  "You're not coming?" Audrey asked.

  "Hey now, I never said that, I'm just going to be late." Silence only lasted a second before Sam chimes in trying to come up with any ideas.

  "Why don't you just call out? Or get someone to cover you?" Sebastian—who was seated in front of her between her other leg that dangled off the table and Adrian —nodded in agreement. Truly a man of few words.

  Looz looked tensed; her fist balled up in her hoodie pockets. A quick click of her tongue and she spoke. "I can't, there's no one to cover me and I'd look bad if I called out so soon after getting hired." She continued looking down, avoiding looking at her friends' faces. Despite looking down, Audrey could tell Looz was getting irritated thinking about it.

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