Chapter 17-4

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Attached at the end were what little photos she had of them together. He seemed speechless about it wich only added to Audreys anxiety. It was practically a confession of her feelings for him, only in secret. She worked the last couple of nights trying to think of something that would make sense and owas only able to sneak in I LOVE YOU in the first two paragraphs. There was no telling if he would notice but she wanted it to be there. The last thing she needed was telling him how much of a great friend he was and ruining it with a confession of love.

  "Wow, I'm sorry you've been feeling that way," he said.

  Audrey was surprised he was able to pick it up. "W-What way?" The question came out in a sputter.

  He opened the book and pointed at one of the last paragraphs."here about being lonely. I remember you being in the nurses office."

  "Oh yeah, well it's not something I feel comfortable talking about but you helped pick me back up." She got off her chair and sat closer to him on her bed. The lamp on her desk gave her room a more romantic atmosphere. Ideas of him laying her down and kissing her passionately ran through her mind. He would hold her firmly but not too rough. And she would get lost in the high of him kissing her neck and going down slower.


  "I'm sorry, What?" she asked. He looked concerned and moved his hand above hers which rested on her lap.

  "Are you still feeling this way?" he asked.

  "No, I think things are okay now." Her eyes looked into his and she wondered if he could see the longing in her eyes. She wanted to tell him but she just couldn't. As if he knew just what to do, he pulled her into a hug and she embraced him.

  "I'll always be here for you. Team 22 against the world."

  "Team 22 against the world."

  "Speaking of which!" His tone switched up quick. He picked up the bag and rmmaged around through it and pulled out two matching bracelets, Both with AP and Team 22 on it. One was Red with blue accents and the other was blue with red accents. He handed her the red one.
"Official club bracelets."

  Audrey couldn't help but squeal at that. It was such a simple gesture but this made her extremely happy. Her grin was probably the biggest it's been all week. She squeezed him and had the strong urge to just kiss him. She would have too if her grandma didn't barge in at that moment.

  "Audrey! You know what your dad would say if he found a boy inh your room!" Her grandmas face was disappointed but still had the underlying tone of happiness for her grandaughter. "I'm her grandma by the way, who are you?" She asked in a kind voice, fitting for a sweet older woman.


  "Was just leaving! Sorry grandma! I'll be back soon!" Audrey said, cutting Adrian off and grabbing everything into his bag. The two rushed out the door in youthful laughter and headed down the street to Natalies.

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