Chapter 11

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6, Nov. 2015 Fri

  The darkness didn't bother her today. She welcomed the peace that came from nothingness. She floated aimlessly; adrift in her sorrow. There was a slight wave to the water's motion. It splashed up and down her head—almost as if it was caressing her.

  A light floated gently above her. It flickered softly.

  Audrey... the light said.

  I know that voice, she thought.

  She shot up from her pillow. It was her mom standing at her door. "Audrey honey, how are you feeling?" she said.

  She relaxed her shoulders. "I'm fine mom," she said.

  "Your friend Natalie is at the door for you."

  Natalie? Audrey got out of her bed and looked herself over in her mirror. She slowly made her way to the front door. Embarrassment slowed her momentum. Hesitantly she approached the door—Natalie stood there, her hands in her pocket, just swaying with her body's gravity.

  "Natalie?" she asked.

  "Audrey! You weren't at school today. You're not sick are you?"

  "No, no. I just wasn't up for it today."

  "Perfect!" she said, in response to the first part of her answer. "We are having a sleepover at my place!"

  "Oh, I don't know–" "She'd love to go!" Her mom interjected. Audrey quickly turned around, her face flushed as she glared at her.

  "Perfect! Let's go!" Natalie said. She grabbed Audrey's arm in excitement. Audrey resisted her pull.

  "Hold on, let me at least shower, I'll meet you at your place in a few," Audrey said.

  "For sure! But you better come! All the girls are going to be there!" She walked backward, waving at Audrey. "It was nice meeting you Mrs. Perrin!" she called out. Audrey's mom smiled and politely waved bye. Audrey closed the door hurriedly, immediately turning her look of annoyance to her mother.

  "Mom!" she said.

  "Oh don't be like that honey. It'll be fun!"

  "I wanna come too Audie! Plees plees! Kitti said. She hopped and bounced.

  "Oh Kitti,'' she said. She bent down to kiss her head. "No, it's for big girls only."

    She began to wail and beg. Audrey groaned. "See what you've caused mama."

  "You worry about that shower! I want you to go out and have fun. I'll take her and Gabe out for ice cream."

  The words "ice cream" was enough to lighten Kitti's mood. Just a little bit. Audrey went back to her room, her anxiety was ramping up. She checked her phone to see if there were messages from Looz or Sam. There were—more than a couple from Looz.


Looz: Are you doing okay?
Sam: You coming to school today?
7:45 am

Looz: Natalie wants to have a sleepover and wants to know if you're coming.
11:25 am

Looz: She just texted me that you said yes, we'll be there soon.
Sam: Glad you're coming to the sleepover love! See you there!

  Audrey sighed in relief. As she lay in bed, thoughts of Adrian came to her. Let me see how he is doing.


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