Chapter 5-4

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  About half an hour had passed since they departed from the school. They got to O'Malley St and passed by Graiser Charter High. Jacob kept up with Danielle throughout the entirety of their run. They made a right at Godinez St. just like Danielle had pointed out in her map. Both of them ran at an equal speed, running shoulder to shoulder. They made it all the way to the final crosswalk just before the campus. Jacob paused to rest for a bit before they finished their run. He took a seat at the curb, his shirt drenched in sweat. His breaths were heavy and rapid.
"What's up Jay?" Danielle asked, standing over him. 
"I want to race you again, but I need a breather."
  Danielle sat next to him, sweating just as much as him.
  "Alright, allow me to relax as well."
  "You play any other sports?" Jacob asked.
  "I mainly just did Cross country and Swim my whole High school career," she replied.
  "Oh cool, swimming sounds fun."
  The thought of her in a swimsuit had crossed his mind briefly. He turned to look at her, she was looking at her glasses, getting some smudges off of them.
  "How do you run with your glasses?"
  "Normally I take them off, but I didn't think we were running too hard for me to do so today, besides my hair kinda keeps them in place when I put it up."
  "Ha! Amazing, I can't wait till I get to your level of running where all this is just a breeze."
Admiration filled his eyes as he looked at her. He felt the racing of his heart. For no apparent reason, he started to laugh. Danielle turned in surprise, smiling in confusion but enjoying his spirit.
  "What's up with you?" she asked, chuckling a bit, she couldn't help herself.
  "I've never met anyone that could make all this exciting, hell, I never thought I'd have this much fun just running."
  "Wow, thank you," she turned away, blushing at his compliment.
  "How well can you see without your glasses?"
   She fumbled her words a bit.
  "Pretty good-well, I mean I can see most things, it's just the farther away something is, the more blurry."
  "You think you can make it all the way to the school without them? I need you to sprint your hardest."
  "You couldn't beat me yesterday? Are you sure you want to try?"
  "Yesterday was a lap, this is a straight line, I can definitely beat you in a straight sprint."
He got up, shaking his limbs, loosening his muscles. He gave his hand to her and helped her up.
  "Is that so?" She laughed at his conclusion. She took her glasses off and handed them to Jacob, who had bigger pockets than she had.
  "Your glasses are huge!" he said, astonished at the size. "Can I try them on?"
  "Sure, I'll stretch my legs while you do."
Jacob looked around with her glasses on, squinting his eyes to focus his vision. Things got smaller as he looked around. He turned to Danielle who was stretching her legs.
  She's pretty cute, he thought to himself. She turned to him as soon as she finished stretching. Quickly, his eyes and head darted away in various directions.
  "If you're done looking, ready to start the race?"
  They quickly crossed the street and got into position. Both focused on winning. The world felt still as Danielle counted down and then in an instant, they both went into a sprint. Jacob easily passed her up and moved his legs as hard as he could. Within 13 seconds he was in the school. He raised his arms in the air in victory. He turned to greet Danielle who was still sprinting, barely getting into the school.
  "I told you I could win in a straight sprint."
She continued sprinting past him.
  "Hey! WAIT A MINUTE!" He shouted as he ran to catch up.

Authors note

Name: artist
Zoom: Last Dinosaurs


I was a bit late this week! Sorry! I hope you enjoyed the next part of this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment any part you like! I appreciate you for reading! Thank you for your support!

Next chapter
Audrey and Adrian get lost and decide to head to his house for a ride to school.

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