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You started hating me but never saw my sorrow how lonely I am from inside.

She come out from the bathroom after taking a shower. Taehyung was not at the room and his words ringing in her mind.

"Why you can't love me?"
"Why you hate me that much, Y/n?"
"I want your love"
"I haven't eaten since yesterday because I was worried about you"

She don't know but she feeled little bit guilty. She start worried about him, Will he have eaten or not? And where is he at the moment?

She come downstairs and looked here there but taehyung was not at there. She marched towards the kitchen and asked a once maid.

"hm..Where he is?" The maid looked towards her. "Oh mam.." she bow her.
"Has he gone out somewhere?" Y/n asked.

"Yes! Sir, have gone to office." She said. "Did he have lunch?" Y/n asked with low voice.

"No, leave lunch, he hasn't eaten since yesterday." Maid said with sad voice. After listen that Y/n start feeling guilty.

"I told him to have lunch but he did not listen to me." maid said. "And yes, sir looked a little sad."

"And I am worried about him, if he keeps on skipping his food like this, then his health gonna be a deteriorate." Maid said.

Y/n was losting in her thoughts. She didn't said anything and leave maid dumbfound. She come back at her room and start crying.

9:32 PM

Taehyung come out from the car and marched towards his mansion. He enter and see that no once is there and Y/n sitting on a dinning table while down her head.

He confused and walk towards her. She hears the sound of shoes that someone is coming towards her, she raises her head and sees that taehyung coming towards her.

She stand up.

"You haven't slept yet?" he asked coldly. She looked him. "I was waiting for you" she said with low voice.

He didn't said anything. She start feeling uneasy. He takes a deep breath and start going towards the upstairs.

Y/n held his wrist and he looked towards her. She gulped.

"I have prepared your favorite food today."


"What...she want's to change her face just because his husband abuse her." Hae raa said shockly.

Jungkook down his head and thinking something. He nodded his head.

"Hmm... But her husband beat her so badly.. She told me." He said.
"What do you mean she told you?" she asked and he looked towards her.

"She wants me to help her--"

"Don't even think of doing this...you don't know her, who she is? Where did she come from? And without knowing anything you gonna help her?" she shout at him.


"No but.. And if She asks for help again, then refuse her plainly." she said.

Jungkook looked her and after a minute he stand up from the chair and start leaving. He was about to open the door when...

"Are you ignoring my words?" she frustratlly shout at him while standing up from the chair.

Jungkook stop on his track. "You cannot put yourself in danger by seeing someone's pain." she said.

"Who can control his wife, can beat her, and can even control the police, so imagine what he will do to you?" jungkook stand there by back facing her.

"Think, what he will do with you when he comes to know that you have changed the face of his wife." she said in low voice.

"So think before doing anything, it will be good for you and also for that woman." Jungkook didn't said anything and leave the room immediately.

Hae raa takes a deep breath and calm himself.

11:45 PM


Taehyung laying beside me and hugging my waist tightly. I feel hot breath near my ear and I think he is sleeped now.

I turn and looked him. His eyes is closed and he is sleeping on a deep sleep.

"Now I can escape" I mumbled to my self. What I thought happened. I had mixed sleeping pills in taehyung's food.

Due to which Taehyung will not get up till morning and till then I will go very far.

I remove his hand from my waist slowly and get up from the bed. I take my everything, my passport, my cloths, money everything what help me to survive for some days.

I left the last letter for him and after removing my ring and left it on the table I come out from the room.

I look at all the light of mansion is off and guards is standing outside of the door. I come downstairs and going towards the back side of Mansion.

I open the door of backside of the mansion and there was no one. I smiled and come out from there.

I run like someone is chasing me. I already said to woo sun to distarge my mom from the hospital and sift her from another hospital, where no one can reach.

I'm really lucky to have her, she is really my best friend. I reach the bus station and waiting the bus.

Finally, I escape from that hell where that moster abuse me. My eyes filled with tears and I really feel bad, not for myself rather...I touch my tummy.

"For my baby....."


Short chapter but wait I will update next chapter very soon like in three to four days.

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