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I was very close to you but it seems like the game is not over yet.


Taehyung chuckled on his words. "you help me to finding my wife?... But I was a stranger to you" he asked.

"Yeah, you was..but now you became my friend..because you comfort me when I was sad and my mom said that when someone make you happy and save you from the world that person becomes you friend." he said while smiling, taehyung also smiled.

"So, I made you happy?" he asked and he nodded cutely.

"But, you didn't answer my question.. Why were you crying?" he asked and minho again sit on a banch beside him.

"I was crying.. Because I was miss my dad" he said and taehyung confused.

"You miss your dad? Why?..didn't he lives with you?" taehyung asked.

"He is no more" minho said in low voice and made taehyung shock. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have to ask this at first." taehyung said.

"I really miss him" minho said and taehyung hug him by side. "Don't cry and you know your dad didn't like when you cry" he said.

"But how old were you when he died?" taehyung asked again. "I didn't see him." minho announce.


"My mother told me that he was die when I was in her womb. he had an accident with his car when he was come back a home." he said.

"What's your dad name?" taehyung asked and minho looked at towards him and didn't said anything.

"What?...you didn't know his name?" Taehyung asked to him but he down his head and shake slowly.

"Your mother didn't told you his name?..Wait!, where's you mom..did she leave you here alone?" he asked.

"No, she is on her office I come here with my aunt, she is my mother's best friend." minho said.

"Oh, I see" taehyung said, then his driver called him.

"Sir" he come and stop front of him. Taehyung look at towards him and he sighn him that his work is done.

Taehyung nodded and driver goes away from there. Taehyung look at towards minho and smiled.

"I really enjoyed talking to you but now I have to go." taehyung said.

"But you didn't tell me your name?" minho asked and taehyung mentally face palmed.

"I'm so stupid" he mumbled. "Taehyung Kim taehyung.. And what about you?" he asked.

Minho smiled. "Minho" he said.

"Nice name, Now!.. I have to go and don't go anywhere, waiting for your aunt, Okay?" he said and minho nodded.

Taehyung leave from there and minho looking him and smiled. "He such a good man" he mumbled to himself.


"What?" woo sun said shockly.

"Yes, one man came here looking for you, and he also asked me your address." she's neighbor said.

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