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Someday I will catch myself smiling because my life is better without you.


I was sitting on a couch and watching a TV. I had a smile on my face and I am very happy. It's been 5 years when I left him And I think he must have forgotten me.

I do not want him to come again in my life Because if he comes again in my life, he will imprison me again and I don't want that.

I was losting in my thought when someone ring the bell of my door. I smiled because I know who is behind the door.

I get up from the couch and marched towards there. I open the door and.


My little kid jump on me from the Jungkook embrace. I hug him tightly and he giggled.

jungkook also smile while watching us. I kiss his cheeks and come inside the house. Jungkook also follow me.

I sit on the couch and Minho and Jungkook also. "How was you day?" I asked to min ho.

"Like always." he said and I smiled and look at towards the jungkook and he also give me a smile.

"Go and get fresh Till then I will warm your food" I said to minho, he nodded and goes towards his room.

"I guess I should go." jungkook said and I looked towards him.

"There is a surgery, I have to go to the hospital." he said while stand up from the couch and I also.

"Have you had your lunch?"

"Don't worry about me I already eat my lunch." he said and smile at me.

"Today I made fried rice, thought you would also join us." I said.

''Next time...But now I have to go." he said and I nodded and he left. After closing the door I goes towards the kitchen.


He stand near the large window and looking the beautiful night of beautiful city, New York.

His new aura looks nothing less than a devil which can scare anyone. His life has been filled with darkness ever since his wife left him.

He hasn't smiled since last 5 years Because none is there who comfort him.

He still hasn't forgotten Y/n and not a single day goes by when he doesn't remember her.

When she ran away from him, His heart was completely broken from inside and he had no idea what to do.

He remembers that when she ran away from him, she had left a letter for him.


Taehyung come back his room and his eyes looking red because of anger. He frustratlly close his eyes and punch the mirror with full of strength.

He is getting so angry that he started breaking things in the room. He done with his wife And if she got in his hands, then now he will beat her very badly.

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