Chapter 3: Time to strike

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Location: Mistral
Date: 11 July xxxx

3rd person pov

In the forest, the mistral was kingdom first hand, But since republic doesn't exist anymore, altas hunts many republicans people and sentence them to death. But, A blue portal appear in the forest, out came was soldiers with blue uniforms...

 But, A blue portal appear in the forest, out came was soldiers with blue uniforms

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And three armour vehicles...

And three armour vehicles

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And out was Y/N with green beret uniform, M4 M203 grenade launcher and M1911 pistol, His is commander of the republic rebelled forces

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And out was Y/N with green beret uniform, M4 M203 grenade launcher and M1911 pistol, His is commander of the republic rebelled forces.

Y/N pov

Damn, I didn't know how I command a small army, I called Shishiso botan by the radio

Y/N: [Radio] Ma'am, Hello Ma'am

Shishiso: [Radio] Snake?

Y/N: [Radio] No, It's Y/N and why did you call me snake?

Shishiso: [Radio] Metal gear reference, I'm calling you nickname, Now snake, Altas base was in the north of the forest, It's not far, I want you and your forces to raid that base and collect resources and savage anything in the base.

Y/N: [Radio] Ok ma'am, Over and out.

I order my soldiers to move north to the base, I got the mission to do.

3rd person pov

In the gate, Two Atlas soldiers were standing in the entrance, But they hear a vehicle noise, The two spot 2 headlights.

Altas soldier: Uhh? Want was that? *pointing at the headlights*

Altas soldier 2: I don't know? But it's heading this way

The lights stops, both of them were confused, But theys heard a loud bang, when the two reaction, It was too late. An explosion killed two soldiers in the entrance, The alarm went loud hearing the explosion in the entrance.

In the tank


M-12 tank - This tank was built by republic rebelled forces. They are three shells.

Smoke shell- Created a smoke around the area.

Light shell- Created a small explosion.

Mini nuke shell- Created a larger explosion [Don't worry, you see]


Tank commander: [Radio] The entrance has been destroyed, Your orders.

Y/N: [Radio] Your orders was to destroy the guard towers.

Tank commander: [Radio] yes sir, [Radio off] Ok man, We must destroy has many guard towers has we can.

Tank crew: Yes tank commander!

They fired many guard towers in the process, In the altas control room.

Altas soldier: Sir, Our is under attack!

Altas commander: By who?

Altas soldier: We don't know!? We try to shoot the armour, but our weapons is to thic to hit it!

Altas commander: Call reinforcement!

Altas soldier: All our communications has been down, We can't call for reinforcement

Another soldier came in.

Altas soldier 2: Sir, You need to see this.

The soldiers give a altas commander a scroll, The video camera show an destroy entrance, 2 vehicles came in the entrance, One vehicle stop and other follow, The door open to reveal a man with a mask and the uniformed, he points the armour vehicle behind, the armour opens the back of the vehicle, 10 soldiers with blue army uniforms, and carry a assault rifles, the green soldiers orders his blue soldiers to follow him, they did and follow the green soldiers. One Altas soldier ask.

Altas soldier 1: Who the hell was that guy?

Altas soldier 2: I dunno, But he and man are coming this wa-


Altas soldier 1: Oh no, They're coming!

Altas soldier 2: Sir, what shall we do!?

Altas commander: We fight!

Both altas soldiers: WHAT!?

Altas commander: Who ever this scum are, They can face with us. No retreated and surrender, We are altas and we-

*A wall explosion*

The three cover their ears and eyes, when it's over and cleared, They a men with a green army uniform holding a M4 M203 and 10 soldiers with blue uniforms behind him, pointed the weapons towards the three.

Altas commander: W-who are you!?

Y/N: Oh I'm sorry, we don't give a fuck.

They fired their bullets towards the 3, killing them all.

Y/N: Alright, Take any thing and savage any crate we have, I need a call Shishiso.

He call Shishiso with a radio.

Shishiso: [Radio] Snake, Did you complete the mission.

Y/N: Yes, We completely the mission.

Shishiso: [Radio] Good, Now paint the message around the walls, They need to hear us.

Y/N: [Radio] Yes ma'am, [Radio off] Alright, Write any thing around the walls, Send them the message.

All the rebellion soldiers: Sir yes Sir!

They painted around the base, Sending the place red, the portal appear and take all the crates and went inside portal and closing it, leaving complete destroy.

To be continue

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