Chapter 5: Slaughter in the sky

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Union academy...
3rd person pov...

RWBY, JNRP and CVFY are watching the news about another attack, not for altas. But white fang instant.

News reported: This is union news, Yesterday in the bloody massacre. White fang camp has been attack by unknown group, also know as the 'republic' killed all the white fang group in the process, But they leave the message said 'republic will come for white fang, We will get I'll revenge'. This spread fear across the white fang group, they began leaving their own organisations an- *TV off*

Everyone in the room began worried, But ruby told them anything is going to be alright.

Unknown location...

Adam who watch the news was pissed seeing his loyal group been slaughter by the republic, He wants all his loyalty to fined and kill the republicans.

White fang headquartered...

Sienna were horrified to see all her loyalists were slaughter by the republic. She decided to disband the white fang group, so that they will live.

Altas capital building...

The councils were beginning to panicking, They came back for many years and they want revenge.

Concil 1: This is the disaster! They came for many years and they want revenge!

Concil 2: Many altas civilian beginning to panicking, and riot across the city!

Ironwood is the only one to calm down, and he ask.

Ironwood: Calm down everyone, I don't know how they came back.

???: I do!

Everyone look at the men with white hair and mustache.

Jacques: The only way they came back was the portal, But I know their location, it's in the town in the middle of the forest, We can send airships to purges all of them and execution them for good!

Everyone in the meeting agree with his plan.

Ironwood: Let's doing it, I don't care their civilian, but we have no chose!

Outside The room...
Winter, who heard about the plan, was shock to hear that their will be killing civilian, She use her scroll to text her sister about the meeting.

Winter: [Text] Sister, if your hearing this, it's very important, the altas council had decided to send airships to purges all civilians in mistral, I don't know if this true, I heard father was in it. This is your sister, winter.

She send the message...

Union academy...

When everyone keep talking about the slaughter in white fang camp, Weiss got a message from her scroll, she pick it up and read it, at the few minutes, she was shock to hear.

Ruby: Weiss are you ok?

Weiss: I got a message for my sister, Atlas sending airships to purges civilian in the town.

Everyone in the room was shock to hear that atlas was going to purges civilians.

Ruby: W-What!?

Yang: Are they crazy!? Why did they want purge again!?

Weiss: I-I don't know?

Everyone was silent to hear...

Republic rebellion base...

Y/N got a called by Shishiso, He went inside.

Y/N: Any ma'am Shishiso botan?

Shishiso: My soldiers told me your building something to take down atlas airships.

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