Chapter 4: Black watch

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In union academy....
3rd person pov

Team RWBY, JNRP and CVFY are watching the news about the altas base attack.

New reporter: I bring you news, Yesterday attack in mistral. altas base has been destroyed by unidentified by an unknown terrorist, Some writing on the walls reports say 'your end is here, Republic has returned'. Witness claim they came out of nowhere and disappear out of open, Altas was on high alert, Thinking this attack when came from white fang, But they no witness ag- *TV off*

Ruby: Well... That's strange and what is republic?

Yang: I-I dunno?

Blake: Strange, Like white fang attack the base, But the republic, Who are they?

Weiss: I'm going to said this ones, I think they came back.

Everyone look at weiss.

Jaune: What did you mean by 'they came back'.

Yang: Yeah? Like you know them before.

Weiss sigh and tell them the true.

Weiss: The republic was a nations, That was part on mistral since the great war.

Ruby: What happen?

Weiss: *sigh* Remnants nations declare war on republic, invading their home and attack people and sentence them to death.


Weiss: Yeah, big shocker, I know the history of republic, It-It shock me too.

Everyone in the went silent.

Ruby: I-I didn't know.

Yang: But why!?

Weiss: Altas cover up the nations of remnants and replacing with mistral.

Blake:... I need space.

Ruby: Can I come with you.

Blake:.... Sure

Two leave the dorm room...

The republic hidden hideout base...

Y/N pov
We're in the meeting room about the new mission, I was called too, we waiting for Shishiso botan, she arrived.

Shishiso: Everyone, Attending

They did has they told.

Shishiso: Your all heard about the vystal festival coming in 3 days, We had to be ready, But theys one factions who had the same plan 'white fang'.

Everyone in the room became grin about that name.

Shishiso: I know you all want revenge, but I do, Y/N!

I stand and salute...

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

Shishiso: I train you for 3 years, And now its time.

Y/N: Time?

Shishiso: Your working with black watch.

Y/N: Black watch? Never heard of them?

Shishiso: That's why your meeting him.

Y/N: Who?


All (Including Y/N): *screaming*

Hellsing abridged intro...

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