Chapter 1: Wake the fuck up samurai, we got a city to burn

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Location: Unknown desert
Date: 12 Apirl XXXX
3rd person pov

In the unknown place, feel with sand and rocks, Until a strange portal open, upcome a person with a dark skin, (H/C), (E/C) and the blue t-shirt, He fell on the cliff rolling in the desert sands, he keeps falling until he stops.

Y/N pov

I was laying in the ground of sand, am I dead? Or did that portal brought me here, I keep wondering myself, Until I hear voice? Is it death? If i'm sure then this is the end of me, But I got kick.

*kick in the stomach*

I felt pain in the stomach, I open my eyes, its blurring and I see a girl with white hair, and tiger ears, Is she a faunus? Then she kick me again.

Y/N: *Wake up in pain* AAGGHH!!

???: Wake the fuck up samurai, We got a city to burn

???: Wake the fuck up samurai, We got a city to burn

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Y/N: W-who are you!?

???: Sleeping beauty.

Y/N: Sleeping wh-!? *been electrified by her tazer* AAAGGHHHH *fell unconscious*

??? Pov

Iook like I taze him, Too bad young one, Too bad, I called my pick up, After few minutes, They're here...

Iook like I taze him, Too bad young one, Too bad, I called my pick up, After few minutes, They're here

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Income two soldiers

??? Soldier: Ma'am, we got your call!

??? Soldier 2: Why did you call us?

???: Him *pointing at the unconscious black guy* this guy is the key to opening up the gateway to remnant.

??? Soldier 1: Really? Few years we been hiding from atlas scum, and now this guy is the key?

???: Yes, My transmission work, now the union, white fang and atlas will face the great republic.


???: All heir... Now pick him up, we need information about him and union.

Both soldiers: Yes ma'am

They carry to the aircraft, I got on, and we flew to the hidden hideout base, This is going fucking chaos...

Hellsing abridged intro.

Timeskip brought to you by author who drinks pepsi and watching hentai..

Y/N pov

I started to wake up, How long does she taze me!? Where my eyes open, I was in the strange room with white on it, I started to get up not knowing how i get here, did she kidnap me? Or-

*door open*

I look behind and see a same woman before.

Y/N: W-What did you want!?

???: Oh calm down dumbass, you been unconscious for pass 4 hours.

Y/N: Why did you kidnap!?

???: The key to your world.

Y/N: My world?

???: Oh, by the way, it's shishiso botan

Y/N: Oh?

Shishiso: Look, I know you have a lot of questions, but come with me.

Y/N: Why?

Shishiso: If you believe me, I won't kill you.

Y/N: O-Ok

I follow her out of the cell, I don't know why she kidnap me or save me from suicide, But I don't care, and i kept follow her until the next hall.

Timeskip to 25mins

3rd person pov

Y/N follow Shishiso botan, After the minutes, Until he found himself weapons rooms, he was amazed about weapons, he thinks ruby will love weapons, he went to the next room, He saw a tanks, helicopters and gears. He ask

Y/N: What is this place?

Shishiso: The rebellion republic.

Y/N: Republic?

Shishiso: I tell in the control room

He keeps follow her, After few second, He reach the control, he found the room huges with computers, hardwares and huges big screen. He jaw dropped.

Y/N: Its huges!

Shishiso: Welcome to the republic!

Y/N: Ok, I need answer of you, What the hell is the republic!?

Shishiso: I'm going to tell you about the history of republic, is a huge story, but that will take long

Y/N: O-ok

To be continue

The republic (black male reader x harem family) S1 [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now