Chapter 9: Hello mrs L/N and Desmond engage pt 1

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===(New Republic city)===
===(3rd person pov)===

Y/N, Akagi and gawr look around the city, It was beautiful, People walking around doing their own business, Kids like faunus and humans playing each other. And first of all, No racist activities, Just free for all.

Akagi: Oh my.... The city is big.

Guru: I... Know.

Y/N: Yep, It's beautiful not for vale.

Akagi: You lived here?

Y/N: The republican offer me a home, me and my wife.

Akagi: Can I.... Meet your wif-

???: I'm right here.

Akagi and gawr were spook to see a faunus fox.

Y/N: Oh hi honey.

W/N jump on him hugging him, Both of them kiss each other.

Y/N: How i'll kids honey.

W/N: Good *rubbing her belly* oh, my kids are kicking.

Y/N: Really!?

W/N: Oh calm down, I'm not giving birth yet.

Y/N: I'm just worry. Oh right! W/N this is my parents, Akagi and gawr.

Akagi: Hai!

Gawr: A.

W/N: Hi my name is W/N.

Akagi: Ara Ara~ nice to meet you

W/N: Nice to meet you too.

???: Looks like you everyone here.

Everyone turn to see Shishiso botan standing there.

Y/N: Madam Shishiso botan? Why are you doing here?

Shishiso: Seeing you're parents alive, and also Akagi.

Akagi: Huh?

Shishiso: Your sister is here, and she wants to see you.

Akagi: *shock* My sister, Here!

???: Hello my dear sister.

A girl, with white short hair, Fox ears and nine tails.

Akagi: Kaga.

Kaga: *Smile* Hello sister *hugs Akagi* *cry* I miss you!

Akagi: *cry* I miss you too.

Y/N: Wait!? She my aunt!

Akagi: Of course!

Y/N: Wow! This is family reunion.

Shishiso: I know, C'mom let go eat at the restaurant.

Everyone: Yea!!

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