The first day

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The First Day

"Would you rather be right or free?" Adam asked turning Eve to face him. Her tears had long dried, but her feet were beginning to ache from the rough ground as she placed her feet in the damp grass pondering the question for a moment. Right or free? Adam anxiously waited, palms sweating, but licking at his dry lips. Eve opened her mouth finally breaking the silence.

"You know I like being right," she said with a smirk turning away from Adam not seeing the depth and reality to his question. Adams lips pulled into a tight fake smile for less than a second before his lips curved back down, that was not the answer he wanted, but the answer he knew he would get.

Of course she would pick right, she always needed to be right Adam thought as he too moved to the grass. She didn't look at him as she nursed her sores, Adam wanted to be free.


Can't she see that we are trapped, that we are caged in our home? That nothing we do will ever change what we did? I stare at Eve, begging her with my mind to understand so I don't have to say it. Something, everything has changed and I don't think it is for the better.

"What would you chose?" Eve asks surprising him, but not turning back to him, only starting to skip down the gravel path.

"Free," I whisper, but she can't hear me. I want to be free, free. "It's been a long weird day." I state when I catch up to her. Eve nods in agreement, but keeps walking, more slowly now so she says in step with me, but she can't, or maybe won't meet my gaze.

I want to say I'm hungry, I'm really hungry actually. My stomach grumbles in agreement and Eve stops wide eyed, looking down at my bare grumbling stomach. I place a hand over myself feeling naked at her stare. My hand covers my stomach and her eyes finally meet mine.

"You hungry?" she asks, so innocently. Last time we ate something, well, everything went wrong. I am scared to say yes for the fear of her finding another deadly fruit that will disappoint God. As if she read my mind she grasps my hand. "I can find something that the snake didn't recommend." That smile, those dimples, the way her eyes always look so happy, how does she do that? "Adam?" she pulls my attention away from her face and back to her words. "You want to find some food or not?" she places a hand on her small hip and I nod examining her. Something is different, but what? She turns and walks ahead of me, her hips swinging and shoulders dancing as she walks. "Come on!" She moans, her attitude extravagant and drawing me closer. That's what different I think as I run to catch up with her, the always kind and compassionate woman is sarcastic and sassy, but still that smile... that smile would make me do anything, it did make me do anything.


I'm cold and scared and the darkness keeps growing even though I feel as though we had just woken up. Would we be forever in the darkness if God left, or would he come back after He forgives us? Please, I pray this can't all be happening because of that stupid piece of fruit, can it?

We walk a long while searching for something, we don't really know what. I don't think God will forgive so soon amongst our betrayal, but I need something secure and real so I pray He will come back. Adam and I stay quiet throughout our walk our eyes meet a few times, but there are no words. As the tension builds up I don't know if Gods departure or this deathening silence is worse.

"Adam-" I start, but can't think of anything else to say, this is my fault. I took the first bite. I told Adam to try the fruit, he didn't want to. My mind screams out trying to convince myself that Adam can still be saved, it was my actions that corrupted him. It was all my fault.

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