I love you

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She sat there on the tree her eyes starting to leak with tears. Can we have a minute I say to the snake and he slithers away without a sound.

Eve was all I could say. I sat beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

What could I say in a time like this? I'm so sorry, do you want to talk, and we need to get out of here, don't blame yourself, should we kill the snake and eat him for diner? What in gardens name would be the right thing to say?

This is the place we used to love she said softly,

I turn to face her but she keeps her eyes down at the rotted tree.

It all used to be so simple and kind here. Who knew this, this tree could be the end of everything.

I open my mouth to speak to say anything but she continues.

This place, the garden is dying. She gestures to the tree and basically everything around us. It's just going to be a place only we know if we make it out before it kills us too.

So why don't we go I say louder then I meant to. More confident then I originally anticipated. We don't belong here anymore eve.

I stand a pulled her to her feet as well. I'm getting us out of here and we will have the most wonderful life. Without God.

She sniffled her nose and I wiped the remaining tears from her eyes. Gave her hand a squeeze and urged her to not look back.


We walked a long while before the serpent reappeared to us again. Hellllooo it sung as it slithered down a tree yanking a branch down with it. My heart breaks a little more. This is the end of everything I thought again. Of everything.

What if outside the garden there is nothing? It's just a black hole or miles of desert. Adam continued on about possible nothingness that could be outside the garden if we ever find a way out.

I used to thin the animals liked me. I think they loved me. But as I watch the tigers wrestle and snap at one another I find it hard to believe that they could love anyone. And with that thought snap the most beautiful bird with colors of blue and maroon gobbled up in one swift moment.

Is this it? Is this the end of Eden?

After what felt like an eternity of walking and running avoiding the chaos of the destruction of Eden a gate a single gate nothing on either side.

This can't be right.

Adam cautiously walked around the gate examining it from all angles.

The land before them looked the same as the land they were trying to escape from. The serpent had long left them just as their trust in god has left.

Open it? Eve muttered reaching her arm out but stopping before she reached the gate.

Adam stopped pacing and looked to eve's twisted face.

What's wrong?

Nothing eve said but still her hand remained just barely away from the gate.

Eve? Adam walked closer to her concerned clouding his once clear mind.

Eve made no attempt to move or talk she just stood and stared as if the gate might give her answers without her asking.

Eve. Adam put a hand on her shoulder and gently guided her arm back to her side.

Eves eyes stayed fixed on the door. Adam didn't know what to say or do but somewhere deep inside him he didn't want to open the gate either. He moved to walk along the gate again examining the detail and bent and broken edges. There's nothing. He thought the gate leads to right here right where I can see. Barren land the same nothing they both had quickly grown to hate.

He looked back to eve who seemed to be frozen in time still fixated on the gate.

Her mouth opened and closed as if she was talking but Adam couldn't hear anything. But he watched her either way. So beautiful and yet so broken.


Please please please I couldn't move I couldn't think all I wanted was to open the door but as Adam inspected the gate and everything beyond it; it was clear that there was nothing. Why a gate to nothing and nowhere. Where is the boarder to climb or monster to fight to get to freedom? Where is our final challenge to be free of this land of evil?

So I stare at the gate to nothing and nowhere but I want to open it. But opening it means a disappointment to a land we can already see. To a land to which we despise.

Please have mercy. Please have grace. Please. Please. Please.

Breathe in please

Breathe out still nothing.

Adam he looks up and rushes to me my eyes no longer care for the gate but only to him.

Where will we go?

He smile dissipated

What shall we do?

His brow furrowed

How are we to survive?

His eyes dropped as if it was too much to bear. It is too much to bear. This life that was created for us. The life we choose when taking that first bite. This is the life we made for ourselves.

We are all alone. I didn't want to cry. I can't cry. I have to be brave I have to be strong. Because right now Adam is weak and he is now my everything. Since he is weak I must be strong.


I feel broken and beaten even though the majority of my wounds have mostly healed. This is a different kind of broken. It's a feeling I've only felt a few times. When eve was hurt. When eve had lost hope. When eve cried out for help for me and got no answer.

I hate to feel this way. But I can't stop myself. I slouch against the edge of the gate and slowly slide to the ground.

Please give me strength to help her.

Eves face grows red with frustration and I want to be strong for her. I never wanted to be weak from the moment she was created. She became everything and now even though we were always alone just the two of us. Now we seem more and more alone. I sniffle out a cry and a tear falls. Its drop sounds like a waterfall. I don't want to look to eve but I know she saw it too because she slumps down with me. She grabs my hand but keeps her eyes down. She is being brave. Oh how I wish I could be brave for her but it's become to too much.


I love you Adam


Yes she states so plainly as if love was something like saying good morning or the lions are up again.

Love. I repeat no longer a question

She keeps her eyes down unwilling to meet my eyes. I bring her hand to my lips and kiss it she looks up so slightly and I see a tear fall from her eyes as well.

Tell me of love. I say and wrap my arm around her she leans in and begins. 

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