He will forgive us

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"Don't worry, he will forgive us." Eve's voice rang out in my head over and over, He will forgive us. Just like that they think they can be forgiven. They spent less than a day without me and they already feel themselves forgiven. Eve prayed continuously until she too became tired and fell asleep next to Adam's snoring body.

After Eve's unfortunate visit from the serpent in her sleep she woke in a fever, frantic and sweeting. She was flustered, but quickly felt safe again seeing Adam. They slept through the rest of the night, neither woke for the whistling winds or the ripple of the streams. Only then when the sun rose and sky once again filled with new clouds did the humming of birds and blinding light wake Eve.

I should be proud that they continue to pray but this thing that they have done, breaking my one rule. The one thing I told them not to and they go and do it anyway. I still cannot believe their arrogance, I cannot yet forgive them, I will not yet return.


He keeps complaining that they disobeyed him but, he left them after they did one thing wrong. Now what kind is parenting is that? I gave them an easy way out, an easy way to escape his cruel wrath, his manipulating ways, and they took it. They grasped the fruit so easily as if they wanted an escape this whole time. Sure, I might have not entirely told the truth but, they were eager participants. I knew that if I convinced Eve, she could be able to convince Adam. And as simple as that they were mine.

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