It was Cruel

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You might say it was cruel what I did to Adam and Eve. They trusted me and I let them down but they let me down first. I gave them everything and more and they did what I specifically told them not to.

As they wander the garden confused and calling out to me I want to tell them things will okay but they veered away from the path of righteousness and need to find a way back to me on their own.

God they call out over and over but the sound makes me ill.

They disobey him and disappoint me. Eat the fruit defy God and please Satin. Call to God curse the snake. Thank the snake scream at God. Every move they make though both pleases and angers me call out to us, curse us, blame us for your troubles and problems Because it is easier to blame us then to blame themselves to own up to what you did and continue to show that you are not worthy of me and my love let alone him.

It seems as though they do not know who to be angry at. They have cursed, blessed and blamed us both within such a short amount of time that my help won't help them now. They have gone too far away in such a small period of time alone. They need to be alone, to find their way back to be, not because they think they need to but because they want to.


I can't tell what's going on he was so at peace but his face changed to pain and misery I watch him walk away wanting to stop him but there is nothing I can think to say that might help. We are going through such strange things, new things, and painful things.

Adam I whisper and wish I could take it back because his hand cup around his ears and I worry that it is me he can't stand to hear.

I walk to him but he's still shaking still holding his ears in his hands.

My head no longer pounds but the garden is still slowly spinning. I take each step with care until I reach him. I reach to him he's still shaking but when I put a hand on him he stills. His hands remain at his head and I peer around to see his eyes are squeezed closed.

I open my mouth but no words seem to be better than silence if he feels as if as I did earlier. So I say nothing. How could a moment of peace for me be a moment of pain for him?

Lord if you can hear me give him strength, heal him, remove his pain. Lord I thought you left but I know you have not. I know you are still here but I would like a reminder that you really do exist that you didn't leave us entirely. Give me the opportunity to prove that we can be redeemed. I search the sky once again but I only see darkened clouds and twinkling stars. I focus my thoughts to God again calling out in my mind for him to hear me. That my mistake is not going to be our end. Please let me work harder to prove that I am worthy of your love. Please I remove my hand from Adams shoulder and sit next to him on the ground making sure not to bump him not wanting to make his pain worsened with my touch.

Sleep I think let him fall in to a deep sleep and me as well, I tip back into the tree and close my eyes letting sleep overtake me.

Adam slept peacefully but his snores along with new words and facts I did not know yesterday came to mind. The forbidden fruit worked we are like God we are learning so many new words in just this first few days and we now know new emotions more than joy and happiness. I know new things but I would trade this knowledge of pain and hunger for not knowing and being safe with God again.

"Please come back" I cry out softly not wanting to wake Adam. "Please" I silently beg.

We were wrong and foolish to believe the snake and a chill ran through my spine just thinking of the foul beast. Cold so cold, I've never wanted a blazing fire more than I do right now. I huddled in next to Adam and his heat radiated bringing me slight warmth. For that moment smashed into Adam I felt relief. God had not taken my friend away from me.

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