Teddy Lupin

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Remus POV

"Im ready to pop any minute." Says Tonks with Glee.

I pull a hair from behind her ear. "Yes you are." I smile and kiss her forehead. The baby could come any minute. The witch was going to tell us the sex at our last checkup but we want a surprise. We definitely know the child is a metamorphic not a werewolf witch I'm more happy about.

Sirius is on his way over for tea. With Harry and the others on their famous quest, it distracts him from going to find them.

Harry is doing well tho, people have said that Harry was spotted in Godrics Hollow and there was a distribution at Malfoy Manor. Bill and Fleur have contacted me saying that he is with them at the shell cottage now.

What have i been doing? Well the order have set up a radio station to keep helpless witches and wizards up to date. Of course we have to keep moving location for our own saftey, but its going well.

Tonks is healthy and the baby is extremely heathly. Im excited now to be a father, im going to try and be the best dad ever!

A knock arrives on our door, and its Sirius, with a binbag smelling like fish.

"What the hell, Sirius?!" I waft my hand infront of my face.

"Yeah sorry, can i use your shower and" he drops the bag in the floor and points his wand so they levitate and go in the washing machine. "wash my clothes."

"of course." I laugh.

He comes in and heads upstairs for a shower. Tonks is sat infront of the fire, holding a blanket with the words 'Teddy' on there.

"We don't know the sex of our baby." I say

"If its a girl we call her Teddy, if its a boy we call him Teddy." She looks up at me her eyes filling up.

"I like that name, perfect choice sweetheart." I smile.

"Well after dad isnt it? Sorry i didnt ask you i was just thinking and started to embroyed his name in our babies blanket." A tear runs down her face.

I brush it away. "I love that name! He will be so proud of you!" I squeeze her hand.

"Thanks-ah-ahhhh-ahhhhhh" She screams

"Whats wrong?!" I panic


"Whats wrong with the baby?"

"ITS COMING!!!" She slapping me

"oh god, the babys coming, ah the babys coming, we have to get you to St.Mungos." I panic, "Sirius!!" I shout.

He comes stubbling down the stairs with just a towel wrapped round his waist.

"What." He says

"AHHHHHH" screams Tonks

"Babys coming come on!" I flick my want and he is transformed into a suit and rushed out the door.

"Wingardium Leviosa" I say hovering my wife out of the house.

"Is it safe to apparate her there?" Asks Sirius

"I dont know." I turn to my wife. "Should we apparate?"

"AHHHHH" she screams but nods.

"Take that as a yes"Laughs Sirius.

Sirius grabs my arm, and i grab my wife and we apparate to St. Mungos.

The ward was busy with injured witches and wizards, but we manage to get a room, as soon as possible. She was in labour.

They place her on the bed and Prepare her to give birth.

He pokes me, "Are you holding her hand or watch it in action?" He smirks

I look at him with shock, then actually think it over, probably best if i loom at it in action, don't really want Sirius watching that end.

"Sirius is going to hold your hand, squeese as hard as you like sweetheart."

"okay, you get full action go ahead." laughs Sirius.

The doctor walks in and prepares her for her first push.

"Go!" Shouts the Doctor.

Tonks pushes as hard as she can making Sirius hand go blue. In fact Sirius did more of the screaming than Tonks did.

"I can see the head, two more pushes." Says the doctor

"You can do this!" i yell for support

"Two more!" Yells Sirius. "God, use my other hand this time. Ive lost all feeling in the other."

She pushes her last two, and our beautiful baby boy is brought into the world. Teddy Lupin, born at 8lbs. I couldnt be more proud. Im filling up with tears when we both hold our son.

"Hes beautiful, Remus look hes beautiful."

I stroke his turquoise tuft of hair and kiss the top of his head, then the top of my wife's head.

"Welcome to the family son!" A tear falls down my face.

"Sirius come see." Says Tonks

Sirius walks over and clasps my shoulder.

"He's beautiful, I'm proud of you both." He says.

"And you and Harry will be Godfathers?"

"I think just Harry, Im honoured, truly, but I'm already Harrys Godfather, Give Harry a go. Also I'm gonna still support this little tike, Uncle Padfoot." He smiles.

The next day we are discharged and aloud to take our new son home.

"Remus go tell the others. They will want to know."

"Good idea!" Says Sirius. "Don't worry i'll look after them."

I hug Sirius, Kiss Tonks passionately, and kiss Teddy on the Head. I then apparate to the shell cottage.

I burst in with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Bill, Fleur, Ollivander and Grip hook all looking at me.

"Its a boy! A healthy Beautiful boy!"

"Congrats!" Shouts everyone. They jump out of their seats to congratulate me.

I clasps hands with Bill, and hug Fleur. I then walk up to the famour trio and hold them all tightly. Ron and Hermionr, eventually leave me and Harry alone.

"Im so happy for you both." He hugs me and i return the hug.

"And you will be godfather?"

"Me" Harry says shocked

"Yes! Only if you want to!"

"Of course i want to, i wouldnt be happier." His smile touches cheek to cheek.

"Now i must go, Have a Son to go look after!"

I leave the shell cottage, as excited as could be.

This was a really fun and happy scene to write, i loved it.


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