Ch.2 (Cold sweat)

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   Everything had been going smoothly at the station for now. It had been weeks since any new jigsaw cases had been filed in.

Your sleep on the other hand hadn't been going so smoothly. Ever since the last case you've been reliving the same nightmare every night. Always waking to cold sweat and tightness in your chest.

This night was like the rest.

"Welcome (Y/n), would you like to play a game?" The puppet would say borderline amused. A poor soul had their neck chained and eyes sewn shut, unable to see sitting across from me. Getting to a stand I dragged my chained neck exploring my side of the room. Nothing but empty junk pulling further my ears picked up on a metal click before being dragged backwards.

The other person startled awake screaming about their eyes. I tried to call out just to be met with intense pain from my lips. Panic set in as I realized my lips had been sewn shut. Needing a way to tell them I'm here I picked up the closest object being a small hammer and tossed it near them hitting with a clank. "Who's there? You did this to me didn't you!" They pulled their side of the chain hard causing me to fall face first.

"Let me go, you bastard!" The person was aimlessly swinging a small hatchet at every little noise. The sight of a key on the back of their neck caught my attention. Crawling slowly towards the hammer I had tossed earlier I rose to my feet. I didn't want to hurt them but if it comes to it then I will. The chain started choking me as it got closer and closer to pulling me to the middle.

Running out of time I dragged the poor person down with me. My hands clawed at the back of their collar frantically trying to pull the key off. Then, it happened, I didn't feel it at first but the burning pain came. They managed to lodge the hatchet into my chest. It ran diagonally digging deep into the muscles and tendons. Pulling my collar off I fell to my knees. The contraption pulled the other guy into his death. The last thing I hear before waking up is the bones snapping and the screaming. The horrible screams that started fast and ended just a fast.

Struggling to breathe I sank to the floor next to my bed. That damned man, he's the reason I ended up there. That damned narcissistic link in the family.

My phone came to life ringing itself to death. Hoffman's number showed on the phone; quickly accepting the call I put the phone to my ear and composed myself.

"Hoffman?" He sounded out of breath on the other line. "We had a report come in. Get down here detective "L/n". After getting the address I was on my way to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town.

(Sorry for the short chapter and cliffhanger I wanted to add more story behind the MC)

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