Ch.14 (Stay in your place)

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(I hope someone spots my accidental Gordan leg joke)

The few days after my incident with Mark were aggravating and annoying. He was pushing every minor report he could onto me. On top of that I was playing errand boy gathering him new bolts and screw for whatever he was up to. He wanted to know my every move and plan but not tell me his. Unless I was running him supply he completely casted me out of anything that had to do with Jigsaw. 

I oddly hated it. An inner hunger for the adrenaline and rush of it all kept rising up inside of me. The only thing keeping me at bay was the amount of work I had to get done at work. Keeping secrets from Hoffman was hard but I managed to sneak calls in with Gordan here and there. He's been extremely quiet since John died. Hell most people don't even realize he's still working as a doctor; they just assumed he retired or went into hiding and couldn't handle the trauma. He never talked much about his life. I found out he had a daughter about a month after we started working together. Occasionally if I pull his leg enough he would tell me how she is. I got banged up pretty bad helping Kramer get someone once and ended up seeing Lawrence in the hospital. He of course took up the opportunity to pull up my family history and that lead to a long conversation about losing my family. Since then he let up on the bitching at me when I wasn't doing something correctly. It was actually a nice change of pace from the passive aggression I got from Kramer.  

It was finally my lunch break. Before I could put my hand on the doors a dreaded voice stopped me. "Where are you off to rookie?" Hoffman came tracking me down the hall like he has been the last few days. Huffing I turned to face him "Lunch break. You know the thing required by law and the thing you personally assigned my time for me?" His eyes narrowed "make it quick. I need you in my office for a few minutes". Without giving a reply I made it down to my car and pulled out my bag of chips. I made sure to bring quick snacks for lunch the way I've been running around as of late. Barely getting through five chips my phone began ringing. I sent my best resting bitch face at the phone in some hopes whoever was calling would screw off. Whoever it was couldn't seem to get the hint so I finally answered. "Detective (L/n), it's Erickson. We believe your sister has been kidnapped." I struggled to stop choking on the chips I was eating "wh- how do.. how do you know"? I probably had an amused look on my face mixed with confusion. I was amused that she had disappeared but if Hoffman had started to set up a game for her, why not tell me? "A domestic was called in. A neighbor said they heard fighting. When detectives arrived on scene a letter to you was found." I leaned back in my seat hiding my face from the station "what did It say?" I asked shakily. Was this Hoffman's way of telling me anonymously? "You walk up to a mountain that has two paths. One leads to the other side of the mountain, and the other will get you lost forever." I locked my car doors just in case someone was planning something. "Two twins know the path that leads to the other side. You can ask them only one question. Except!" Erickson carried on "One lies and one tells the truth, and you don't know which is which. So, What do you ask"? I felt my heart stop. I knew the answer and it made me sick to my stomach.

"Nothing is coming to me. Please keep me informed and if anything changes I'll contact you immediately." He sighed disappointed "Stay alert to your surroundings. Also before I get off I'll have your transfer papers sent to you by next month." Thanking him I ended the call and slammed my phone into the next seat letting the rest of my lunch time go by. I made my way to Hoffman's office and plopped myself down in the chair across from his. "I need your help with tonight's game. I have more things that call to my attention that I need to do." I locked my jaw. I wonder what that would be? "Send me the location and time I'll be there." I was trying hard to keep a neutral look but felt like a atom bomb ready to go. After being dismissed you got ready for tonight.

It was half past twelve o'clock and you were dragging a woman through a cage door. You had helped Hoffman with the fat man after some bickering about how Hoffman should be strong enough to do it himself. The woman you were dragging was extremely annoying to catch. You had spent the rest of your day following her around; trying to get her somewhere isolated from prying eyes. Being in a bad mood already the fact she wouldn't stay on the chair was pissing you off greatly. You set her up for the second time making a pitiful "nooo" as she slid off the chair, making you awkwardly hold her up. Hoffman stood in the corner looking disapproving "Care to help? I thought someone told me they were busy and needed this done quickly"? He marched over and laid the woman back in the chair cursing as she fell off again. I snickered watching him have the same struggles as I was having. "Something funny to you?" He peered over his shoulder while setting the girl up "absolutely" I stated clipping the fat man's head gear on. "Like you were any capable rookie." I started chaining the weapons on the man's side down "And you are? Remember I was the poor soul assigned to watch over you. You've fucked up plenty of times and Kramer never once put you through a true trap". He finally got the woman to stay put "I never needed one and I'd like to see you do my job for as long as I have. I don't think John Kramer would have you working as a watcher if you could". 

The audacity of this man. "Or maybe you wouldn't be able to handle my job. Do you know how hard it is to dance around idiots with family problems?" I grabbed the knife on the opposite side of the fat man pointing it at Hoffman. "You should know. After all, I'm the one who followed Seth Baxter to his grave because Amanda couldn't find him." I rested the blade on his chest "if you were such a capable detective maybe your sis-". My back hit his chest and the tempered blade dug into my neck. His left arm held my arms down painfully tight as I tried to squirm out of his grasp. I ended up laying my head flat sideways on his chest trying to keep the tension of the blade off me. "I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you." He rested his head near my ear "I'm capable of mutilating you in the most horrific ways, of tormenting you until you break, and making sure no one would ever find you again". His traced the tip of the blade down my scar "I can make you relive nightmares over and over again" He removed the knife and forced my head up to look at him. "Stay in your place Rookie, consider me generous to let you off again." He placed the knife back and allowed me to finish our jobs. 

After finishing setting up the game you left for home. These games needed to end quicker. Hopefully the files left behind by Kramer would run out. Even then who wouldn't say Mark may find more victims.

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