Ch.10 (Setting forth)

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(Short chapter and I know Mark has a way to get out of the Glass Coffin but don't remember If they ever said how or not so I played around with that mechanic)  

   Mark came into my office and slid the door close, "Your sister is up my ass more than you are rookie." I cracked up "I'm always on top of you because I have to. I mean you literally make me follow you around like a dog".

Hoffman rubbed his face and leaned over my desk "I need you to test a trap." I logged off my computer. "Sure, not like I haven't tested one before." Hoffman crossed his arms and looked flushed "No, (Y/n) I need you to physically go in the trap and let me use it on you" I narrowed my eyes at him becoming serious. Locking my stuff away in my desk I walked over to face him "Ready to finally get rid of me Hoffman? Shame to waste a trap sir." He seemed to pause for a second "Don't call me sir and It shouldn't kill you unless you fuck it up somehow". He pulled out a paper and wrote down the location I would be meeting him at later. "Thank you sir." I smirked at the visible frustration on his face as he left the office to clock out.

Two coffees and a granola bar later into the night I pulled my car up next to Hoffman's before following him into the building. "If this works we will be going forward next week with getting rid of Strahm" Mark continued to drag me further into the endless building before leading me into a room. A coffin-like box full of glass sat on a mechanical arm "I'm assuming since I didn't work on this, you did?" The proud look on his face gave me his answer. Inspecting the trap I looked like it had two different functions. The arm of the trap seemed to lower the box down but there were tubes that hooked onto the top "What do the tubes do?" Mark was towering over me at this point "Haven't decided yet".

I put my leg up on the box and held my hand out to Mark "Help me up, I'm short" sighing he lifted me up into the box. "You're a pain in my ass, I almost hope this fails." He moved around to the front grabbing the lid "You said almost, I'll take that over any other response sir". Mark slammed the lid shut unamused and bolted out of the room. The box rumbled and slowly started to descend into the ground. My heart was pounding in my throat as the walls started to slide in making the room smaller and smaller. Between the closing walls, the box being lowered into the floor, and the glass poking into my back I couldn't figure out which was more uncomfortable. The box had laid me flat under the floor facing me towards the ceiling. The walls started covering my view making me panic more. Hoffman was probably going to seal me off in this room and leave me to die. I couldn't blame him; he doesn't strike me as a team guy. I was in complete darkness and silence. The trap had done its job doing whatever it was made to do. After a few minutes the coffin started to rumble again and the walls slid back into place. I was raised upright and the lock was snapped unlocked.

Unsure what I should do, I waited as Hoffman entered the room. He looked pleased and helped get the lid back open. I had tensed up so bad during the run I didn't realize my knees had given up until I ended up with my face in Mark's chest. His cologne was strong and smelled like black cardamom, smoky vanilla and a hint of musk. His arms had wrapped around my waist and shoulders tightly. I could feel him staring down at me like a hawk does a bunny. Getting my footing I stood straight looking up at him. His arms didn't leave me as I was awkwardly pressed against him. His eyes looked tranquil and orderly yet dark and unknown like the ocean. "I. We should get going Hoffman; It's getting late and we have a lot to plan If we want Strahm where we want him." He hesitantly let his arms fall from me "We also need to keep your sister occupied until we figure out a proper send off for her". Smiling I followed Mark out and got in my car speeding off to wherever I could be alone that wasn't my house.

Turning the car off I got out and plopped down on the hood. The town made it a little hard to see the sky but I was still pretty out. I still wondered how mom and (B/n) would feel about all of this. Especially now, It seemed like even though everything should be telling me to pack up and run; I stayed. Even after everything that has happened I feel like following Mark like a lost puppy. It was like John was still somehow in my head putting me through some sick final mind game. I hated it but loved it at the same time. "God I'm so fucked up." I made a pitiful laugh and watched the sky for a few more hours. Letting my mind run where It desired before driving off home again.

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