Saying Goodybe Part 1 (Not Edited)

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Is something wrong, I ask worried.

Yea, something is, he says. He takes a deep breath and looks at me. I have to leave on Wednesday...for tour, he whispers.

You have to leave, I ask as the tears well up in my eyes

Yea, that was my manager, he called when we were on vaca, he whispers.

When does your tour end, I ask as a single tear rolls down my cheek.

I'll be back by Thanksgiving, he says calmly.

How can you stay so calm, I say as the tears start to roll down my cheek.

I asked for and extension, they denied it because I've already been of the tour for 4 months now, he states.

So the other four started back in February, I ask.

No, Liam took a break too, he has to go back on Wednesday along with me, he mumbles.

Well, we have three more days together then a 4 month break, I sigh.

I'll miss you, Gabbi finally says. She gets up and goes into the living room.

Well don't worry honey, I've got presents in store for you, he says emphasizing the word presents.

As do I, I whisper. He smirks and k chuckle. I'll miss when the time comes, I say quietly.

What do you want to do today, I ask.

Sex, Harry announces blankly.

How about we save that for Tuesday night, I ask.

What day is it today, he asks.

Its Sunday night. We just got done eating and then you broke the news, I whisper.

God you so hot right now, he says with a smirk.

Guys, stop you already ruined my life on the ship, Gabbi yells.

Oh Gabbi, I thought Harry was your favorite though, I say.

He was, but now he isn't cause that's gross, she says before she covers her eyes.

Lizzie stop, that's weird, its bad enough that millions of 13 year old girl a wanna fuck me, Harry whispers in my ear.

I guess your right, but guess what, I whisper.

What, he asks.

I'm...not...thirteen, I whisper into his ear. He smirks and I laugh.

Lizzie stop, Gabbi yells again. I stop and make a puppy face.

Just wait till you move out Gabbi, I say.

Ew gross, you have kids, she screams.

Anyways, what are we gonna do tomorrow, I ask.

I don't know, I wanna do something with all of you guys though, he says.

By all do you mean, Me, Erin, Liam, Gabbi, Tavia, Michelle, Enya, Darcy, Elliott, and yourself, I ask.

Yea, we could go swimming I guess, it's suppoused to be over 100° out tomorrow, he says.

Sure, I guess, it will be fun, I say. Well its 8:45pm we should probably go to bed, I say with a yawn. I start heading upstairs but stop when Harry picks me up bridal style.

Here let me help you, he whispers. He carries me into our bed and lays me down. He pulls off my pants and puts my sweatpants. He covers me up and crawls in next to me. I snuggle into his chest and fall asleep.

My Sister's Dream [H.S.] Major EditingWhere stories live. Discover now