After Lizzie and Harry came home from their honeymoon they continued to be an amazing family. Over the course of 4 years the triplets, Elliot, and Carter grow to be amazing pre-schoolers. Gabbi and Colin get back together. Chloe and Cole are still going strong. Both girls got accepted into Stanford University.
The family plans to move, not sure where to.**
**Which brings us to the next book. First chapter being published summer of 2016!
I have to do major editing on this book. Fix up everything. Take the last of the smut out. Etc. Etc.
This book is not done here. There are 2 more books to come.
Thank you to all my fans and readers. You guys made this process ten times better. I have 1.9k views! That's awesome!
1 year, 1 month, and 7 days this book is finally finished.
With about 1,900 views, 209 votes, and 32 comments I am amazed and happy. Thanks again.Let's try and get this book to 2k views, 500 votes, and 100 comments!
I love you all so much.
My Sister's Dream [H.S.] Major Editing
أدب الهواةWhen Lizzie's (Elizabeth) parents die, she is the only one to take care of Gabbi (Gabriella). After taking Gabbi in, and promising to take her to a concert, her life changes. One mistake leads to Lizzie making her sister's dream come true! She ends...