cₕₐₚₜₑᵣ fₒᵤᵣ: [ₜₕₑ cₕₐₚₜₑᵣ ᵢ ₐccᵢdₑₙₜₐₗₗy fₒᵣgₒₜ]

59 3 4

//  I made one mistake in the chapters list, okay? I gotta give it some lore. Especially on the funny day. Let me point out I have nearly died a few times already and it's only a bit past midnight. Not 3 am or anything... UHUHUh

// also in a spoopy hotel, so sorry for no grammar/spelling and shakiness. Spoopy ghosts and shit nearby and they like hot women ig- also this is not part of the actual story, just something for fun!

//they have good taste-  IMEAN-

//spoopy chapter?  O no


// they're using the smoke alarm to spy on te "damsel in distress," little do they know I have a LIFE! BAHAHA. AND, BONUS, I HAVE A KNIFE! sadlyitsontheothersideofthecountryithinkbecauseihavenoideawhichstateorcountryiaminforalliknowixouldbeontheotherendoftheconrinentfrommycatchildandwellthisisthekindoffanficyougetwhenionlywriteatthreeinthemorningafterspendingallmyhoursawakeinasweatysuburbanthatkeepabreakingonaroadtripuptheeastcoastsupposedlysoicanobnoxiouslysingroadtripbydreameveryminuteoftheroadtripbutistilldontunderstandwhywecouldnttakeanairplaneinsteadlikedamnwehaveahighclassdeltamembershipthingforareasonsowhydontyougoaheadanduseitforoncehuhoristhattoohardiwouldmuchratherbeinthecoldrsinrightnowthaninthiscreepyasshotelthatsmellslikedeadbodiesandrottingonionsandithinkaspiderjustbitmeohwellwaitwhyareyoustillreadingthishaveyounosanitylikemecooliohellotherewannabefriendsbecauseihavemonophobiaandihavealmostnootherfearssoifyoutryandmakemepissmypantitwontbethateasyunlessyoumakemecomebacktothishotelorthatoneinhotelwheretheminifridgewaspossesedandtherewasfreshbloodandthrowuponthecouchalongwithanactiveshootingorstabbingoractivemurderingandsomehowilivedgoddamniwishiwerentsodamntiredamirightbutheyletsappreciatethisitchyasfuckcouchforasecondbecausedamnitsthesecondnofifthcomfiestthingintheroomaftermymassamountofjacketsiamusingasblanketssincemybrotherandfathertooktheonlybedbutheyihavethetwotablesintheroombesidesthedeskandnowihaveawalloftablesandafortofblanketsiamhappychildnowandohmygodhasthisbecomearunonwordbutidontfuckingcareletsmakeitlongernewfriendohguesswhatihaventseenanyoneilikeintwoweeksifeeldepressediwanttoseethemandthrowsomewateratthemandthenyellatthemforgoingoutofthecountryfasterthanthisroadtriptakesgoingonewayandthenstealtheirpaintinartclassbecauseamevilchaaaaaahOlyfucksmallyoungerchildstopscaringmewithyourdamnsnoringmyguyitaintnecesarytolivetosNoreandtothesevenyearoldsstompingintheroomrighabovemeicanandwllreachthephoneandcallthefrontdeskonyoumwahahafuckyoulittleshitheadspthereiwilldefenestrateyOutothatcreepyslendermanlookingguyoutsideimeanicalledHimviaubertobeheretogetridofyoubitchesandohnothEtrainismakingnoisedontmakemwcallgooglemapsonyouorwikipediathatsnothelpfulyoumaytellmeformakingthiswordsolongbutheytherestrainnoisesandthereaintatrainwithinatleasttenmilesofthisplacetomyknowledgesOoooibetitslikeaweirdfuckingenTityoutthereohgodmytreebraincellsjustreducedtotwooutofpureangerbecauseofthosesevenyearoldsnowtimetoblastaneretplaylisttotheirbluetoothspeakerandyestheyhaveonetheyrecurrentlylisteningtoCocomelonsofuckthemtheygettolearnaboutroyaltynowandsinceicanchangethevolumefromhereicanmaketheghostsinthishoteLfuckoffohwoukdthatbeamiracleholyfuckithinktheghostsjusttriedtoputtheirradiosignalsinmyairpodsohnoiamacTuallycreepedthefuckouttheyalreadymadethepoweronvoicesounddemonicohfucknofucknoandnowitsalmostthreethirtyamandnowiamlosingmywilltolivesincemyarmsarelosingcirculstionandmybacjhasmajorpainandIthinksomeoneisoutsidemywindowsendhelptomiddleoffuckingnowhererandomnewenglandstateusanottobeconfusedwithmiddleofnowherepennsYlvaniaormiddleofnowhereutahusaandohwillimakethiswordlongerandlongerandlongerandlongerandlongeRandlongerandlongerandlongerandlongerandlongerandlongnerandlongerandlongerandlongerandlongerand,ongerandlongersndlongerandlongerandlongerandlongerjntilyougetsleepyandtheniwillmakeitevenlongerandlongerandlongerandlongerandlongerandlongerandlongerandlongerandihavenowilltoliveihavenotsleptinmanyhourslikemorethanFifteenithinknowthatsmuchtoolongformeineedsleepeverythreehoursandiwantdoodgimmeyoursidoNotwantmyoatmuffinthingswitholdapplebitsinthemiddleewthesevenyearokdscanhavethatmygodthosemotherfuckersaredrivingmeinsaneandyesididconnectmyioadtotheirbluetoothandthesecondthethearderet'svoicepLayingtheigotrealquietrealfastthenidisconnectediamsofuckingamazingandchaoticbowtomebitchesiamyourkingyoursexyhotkingmwamwamwanowbowtomenowyoumotherfuckers

happy funny day, you don't get a fucking chapter four.

did I ever promise one? Never. Do I give a shit if you want a chapter four? No. You can cry about your fucking fourth chapter. I'm being serious when I say I accidentally skipped it. Go have a damn funeral for it, but it never existed. I honestly don't care. My hands are shaky and I can't sleep. I blame the seven year olds.

Edit: been almost an hour since I published this, I am less scared and the sev- nevermind a siren just went off somewhere. I hope to god it was outside cuz I ain't getting out of this fucking room. I quite enjoy the ghost's presence near me as long as they stay on their part of the hotel room and leave my GODDAMN MUSIC ALONE THOSE LITTLE- MMMMMMMMMMMMMM

I need sleep but that is what I do not get. I have no sane brain cells. No no. I have been forbidden from having them. Now I have none. My room just got more cold  and I need a shower. I need health but I have none. Especially cleanliness. But I do not care. God I need to stop eating everything I come across on the floor. /j. Now I recommend you stop reading, I want to suffer silently please, thank you

My back pain? Making me suffer. My circulation? Cut off, I think. Especially in my arms. My sanity? What even is sanity though? The entities near me? Creepy. Meanwhile I am ignoring them.

Another edit: it's 5:40 and I have resorted to watching cocomelon. God help me before my friends stab me for this shit I pull every night. I have too many cursed images and edit audios to use as weapons and I am not afraid to use them. Especially on non-ATLA/LOK fans. :>

Yet another edit: it's 630 and I love watching true crime and paranormal shit.  I've been watching that and the dissecting of humans (rubber dummies of humans ofc) and I blame that on why I don't piss myself while binge watching the back rooms found footage and why I don't piss myself and die of a heart attack every time I see a skinwalker near my house (which is often, they don't bother me much tbh). I, once, as a toddler, was in a haunted house. There was a middle schooler (?) that was legit pissing themselves behind me and I said. "Stop being a damn pussy and grow some guts. They're actors, dumbass." Let's remember that I knew that God wouldn't let me into heaven for swearing and yet I swore when there weren't adults that knew any of my relatives around, and I always seemed to be in the conversations about murder and shit. I thought I was innocent. So did everyone else around me. Then they discovered that I had good aim. That's how I scored myself a gun (NOTE: I HAVE NOT SHOT ANYONE, I LISTEN TO MY DAD WHEN OPERATING ANY OF MY GUNS, I AM CURRENTLY IN THE MOOD TO BE SPOOPY BECAUSE COMPLIMENTARY BREAKFAST AINT OPENED YET AND I WANNA STEAL THE BAGELS GODDAMNIT.)

I love how I go to church and I did confess shit to god yet I have broken so many rules from the Bible and I'm so damn proud. For example, I'm g-

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