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//Two chapters, one day?! No way this is real...

//TW for swearing

Pigeon shot up in bed. It was five AM, and she heard a rustling outside her bedroom window. It sounded like it came from outside. Pickles was standing on Pigeon's face, staring out the window. His gaze was fixed on something outside. Pigeon shooed the rabbit off of her face, yawning. She got up, her feathers ruffling a bit. As she went to look out the window, she saw what looked like a person standing outside, wandering around. But something seemed a bit... off. They didn't seem entirely human, you see. Their skin was a greenish color, and it didn't look like skin. It was semi-transparent, like a slime. Pigeon didn't seem to care. She hoped that whoever this was had malicious intent and got rid of Quackity.

Pigeon proceeded to stretch her wings and walk to her closet, her normal morning routine. But with a change. Something was different today. Something that was incredible, but terrifying. Beautiful, but dangerous.

She pulled out a white t-shirt with faded blue sleeves and a pair of jeans. She grabbed a pair of black boots and put them on, shortly before tying her hair up into a tight messy bun. Pigeon grabbed a small, empty, light yellow backpack from under her bed. She grabbed a knife, some water, a few bottles of honey, and a book inside of it. She also put a few carrots in it. Pickles hopped in, right after the carrots. Pigeon smiled, patting the rabbit's head. She zipped it up, but just enough that Pickles had a little peephole so he could poke his head out for air every now and again. She put the backpack on, fed Milo, and walked out of her room.


Quackity didn't expect to see his own daughter in his office so early in the morning. He never expected that. He never expected anything coming after that, either.

"Yes? What do you want?" he asked grumpily.

"You know, you've been cooping me up here my whole life, trying to make me like you."

"So? You want me to pity you? Boo-hoo," Quackity said, clearly in a bad mood.

"No, I want to go to the museum. I've al-"

Quackity burst out, laughing. "Nobody has ever wanted to go to a museum. Besides, you could just learn everything you want to know here!"

"I'm not asking, Quackity. I'm letting you know." Pigeon said, not amused.

"And I'm saying you aren't allowed to leave Las Nevadas. You know that. I don't trust you out there. I know this is a fucking excuse to go see Technoblade."

Silence fell between the two. Pigeon stood there, not backing down.

"Fine. You know what? Go have at it. Go see Techno. You probably won't make it anyways. And if you do, he's gonna send you right back here. He doesn't like orphans very much, anyw-"

"I'm not a fucking orphan. And if I am, show me the proof. Show me where and when you disowned me." Pigeon said, smirking. "Oh, right, you're too much of a pussy to disown me because you need someone to take over when you're dead."

Quackity felt anger spark inside of him. He simply waved Pigeon out of his office. Pigeon walked out, smiling. Pickles threw a carrot in Quackity's direction, missing so badly that Quackity laughed at the pathetic attempt.

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