Cₕₐₚₜₑᵣ ₜₑₙ: dᵢₐᵣy ₑₙₜᵣy ₒₙₑ

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//Sorry for not uploading for a few days. I was thinking on what to do for this chapter, and I've finally decided. Plus, I'm getting rid of the stories of my stuffed animal at the end of the chapters, since not many people seem to be enjoying it. Anyways, take your semi- daily content.

//Felt a bit rushed this chapter, so you'll get the rest next chapter.



July 6, 11:30 PM

I am done with Father's obscure books. He keeps sending down diaries. It's been two weeks since we last spoke. He got angry when I showed him earlier tonight that Fundy had given me a rabbit. He was even more angry when he saw that te lead had blue wool+like strands of fur on it, very weathered, and looked very old. He asked me "What room?" and he seemed very pissed. I don't know what he meant, even now, hours later. Did he want me to tell him where there was an empty room? Were the "fiancés" back again? (By that I mean Sapnap and Karl. They come over every now and again, mostly Sapnap. I've only ever seen them from a distance, but Karl and Quackity don't seem to get along. I've been told they're fiancés, or were at some point, but I really don't believe a word those motherfuckers say)Or was he referring to Mr. Homecooked Meal?

I dunno. Do not care one fucking bit. Read half of them. They're all on government and diplomacy and shit. That doesn't strike my fancy one bit. Besides, I'm not as much of a child anymore. I'm 17 now. I don't have to learn about government anyways.

I dunno. Maybe I should. Maybe I should learn about this shit. It might help me. Maybe. I doubt it. Maybe they were sent to me by accident? I dunno.

Another day gone by, another day reading the legends of the world beyond this damn place. I've been reading about this place... I guess it was called L'manburg? I dunno. I found it interesting. That guy named Wilbur created it and blew it up. It's pretty cool, actually. I also found the legend of this guy, his name is, like, Technology? I think that's wrong. It's probably way off. Turns out this guy hates the government. It's amazing. He doesn't die, so I might have a chance of meeting him someday. Maybe. Hopefully.

It's also nearly my birthday! I know nobody's gonna celebrate, but I'm thinking about taking Pickles and going to a little forest for a picnic with him! Maybe I'll invite, like, Tubbo. Maybe. I don't know Tubbo that well, but I know that I probably won't be allowed out of Las Nevadas on my own. Besides, Tubbo seems like a pretty chill guy.

I also found a few songs in the empty hotel rooms after guests leave. Some of them are torn up and are in bad condition, but there's a lot in good condition. I think I might be able to sing some. They all have extraordinary topics, and they are songs that Quackity would never allow. Ever

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