Chp. 2: Who are you?

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     Not long after leaving the house, the two children bump into a girl wearing a little blue hood. "Who 'er you?", they both screamed, frightened. "Who am I? Who am I?! Why, your joking right? I am Blue Bell, sister of the red hooded show off called 'Lil red riding hood'. Who are you, may I ask?" Ham said, "I'm Ham, 'n she's Grits." "How appropriate," said Blue Bell. "I am the latest model for Fairytale Fantastique. I'm looking for my chauffeur, but these directions keep throwing me all across the globe! When I see my manager, *Cutting throat*. Anyway, I have no time for autographs." "Please help us, we're lost too!", said Grits. "Hey, lem'me see that map.", says Ham. "Here's what's wrong, you're headin' tor'ards this swamp on the map." "Oh", replies Blue Bell, "I thought that was a coffee stain." "Grits, look, a swamp!", said Ham, now ignoring Blue Bell. "We can catch us some frogs! Hey, we're not too far from it. I bet if we bring some back, Momma 'll be so happy we caught her some. And she can make frog legs! Hey, Blue, you wanna come back to our shoe and stay a while?" Blue Bell had already been picked up by her limo with out them seeing her leave. So, since they had the map, they followed the path down to the swamp. They passed dead, toppled trees, crows picking off bugs from a stump, and many, many mosquitoes. As they were slapping away the bugs, they saw a huge castle. They went to see who lived in it. When they reached the gate, they were stopped by a knight in shining armor. "Halt!", said the knight, "Do you have business with the queen?" Ham and Grits thought about it, and both said, "Yes'm." The knight had let them through. Wandering the castle, they overheard a very aggressive conversation. "Nobody understands me!", said a princess, holding a pea.

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