Chp. 9: The Flucth*

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     "WHAAAT?!", the giant screamed. "WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR MY BABY EVER SINCE YOU STOLE HIS 'HUM'! AND NOW, YOU'VE KILLED HIM!" Jak and the gang started running as fast as they could. Mother giant started throwing monumentally huge eating utensils at the children, and what appeared to be a baby Sister giant was launching dolls the size of bolders at the kids. The kids made it under the door, but the giants didn't stop there. Father giant whipped out a double barrel shotgun and started loading shells. Jak reached the bean stalk first, helping the others get down. As soon as everyone had started climbing down, Father giant shot his gun. Jak felt air rush by his head as he saw huge pieces of the shell whiff by his ear. Father giant put the 2 more shells in, and aimed for the base of the bean stalk. He fired, making Ham loose his grip on one of the vines. "I ain't hurt, but I can't hold on no more!", Ham said. Grits helped him on to her vine. They kept climbing, not daring to stop for a second. When they finally reached the bottom, they heard a rumble from the clouds. "I WANT MY BABY BACK!" Afterward, as the group left the bean stalk with the ground shaking from the many hours of giant sobbing. "Are you happy now, Dumb-Bell?", said Jak. Blue Bell said, "Yes I am, Jak. That was the right thing to do." Knowing she was right, he stayed silent. The group had decided to go to the boot house and reunite Ham and Grits with their adopted mother and siblings.

*Flucth is German for Escape.

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