Chp. 10: Bad Timing.

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     The group was about a day's walk from the bean stalk. The Boot was just over a hill. "So, Ham, what's your family like?", said Blue Bell. "We got 12 brothers and 10 sisters.", said Ham. "We're the 24th kids.", said Grits. "Wow.", said Jak. "How does your mom feed you all?" Grits said,"Well, we got some pigs, and corn, and-" "Frogs?", Jak interrupted. "Yea! How'd ya know?", said Ham. "Just a guess. But what I really don't get is why you left your house in the middle of the night." "Jak, these children have been put through a lot, mostly on your account, so the last thing they need is interrogation.", said Blue Bell. "Well, it wasn't my fault we climbed back up a bean stalk!", Jak said. "If you hadn't killed someone, we wouldn't have had to tell them he was dead!" As soon as the argument heated up, they noticed something different about the woods. "What's that burning smell?", said Jak. "Do you have a fire place, Ham?", asked Blue Bell. "No, and we hadn't had a bonfire in a long time.", Ham said. To their surprise, the group saw the strangest thing. "Oh my gosh!", said Blue Bell. "Momma!", squealed Ham and Grits. "Well, now at least we can make some s'mores.", Jak said. Everyone was appalled at Jak's comment of Ham and Grits' Boot house burning down. "What, too soon?"

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