🤧Sick Day🤧

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Type: fluff???

Zander sniffled, wiping his nose in the tissues his mom had got him.

He was laying in his bed watching films, well not actually watching them, they were just playing in the background, muffled by the pianist's sniffles and coughs.

"Zander?" A voice said, "Are you feeling better?" Hailey came in to check on her brother. She had presumably just come back from school and went straight upstairs to check on him.

The grape let out a loud sneeze then replied with a simple, "No."

"Oh, wow, you're voice sounds weird. Your nose blocked?" She asked, looking at the film Zander was watching on his TV screen.

He nodded, "Can you go? I want Luke..." He mumbled, blush covering his cheeks.

Hailey smirked, "Ok whatever! He's actually downstairs."

Zander shot up, "He is?!" Hailey nodded, smiling at Zander's excitement.

"Well why are you up here and not him?" He asked rather rudely.

Hailey scoffed, "'Cause mom told me to check on you, dork."

"Well can you get Luke?" The grape asked smiling at his sister.

The teal haired girl rolled her eyes sarcastically, "ok, ok I'm going!" She ran downstairs on her way to get the drummer.

"Luke! Zander wants you!" She called out loudly, even Zander could hear her.

Suddenly he heard footsteps coming up the stairs, then a knock on his door.

"Come in..." He mumbled.

Luke opened the door slightly and stepped inside Zander's room. "Hey sweetheart. You not feeling any better?" He asked, sitting down on the pianist's bed.

He shook his head, "No, I feel like crap." He sneezed into his hand.

"You want a tissue?" Luke asked, handing the box of tissues to Zander.

"Thanks," he sniffled.

The drummer shut the door completely and layed down next to Zander, wrapping his arms around him.

"No, Luke! Get off me, I don't wanna make you sick." The grape let out through coughs and sniffs, pushing the brunette away.

"I don't care." He said, cuddling up with his boyfriend, "I need to look after you."

Zander sighed, "Not by hugging me..." Although he really wanted Luke's touch, he couldn't get him sick too.

The brunette didn't listen, he just kept his arms around his lover.

The pianist sighed, sniffling a little, before giving in and cuddling up to Luke. He put his head against his chest, feeling Luke's steady heartbeat.

"Comfy?" He asked, looking down at Zander.

"Mhm." Zander mumbled into Luke's soft jacket, the feeling of the red fabric against his skin felt warm and smooth.

They layed there for a while, before hearing knocking. It was Hailey. She came in with a tray in her hands.

"You comfy there you two~?" She giggled.

"Shut up." Zander muffled.

Hailey rolled her eyes, "Sit up, dork, I brought you dinner."

Zander listened to Hailey's instructions and sat up against the bedpost, wobbling slightly. Luke held his waist so he didn't fall and grabbed the tray off Hailey, passing it to the pianist.

"Thanks." He said, picking up the spoon. After he put a spoonful of soup into his mouth, Hailey left the two lovebirds alone together.

"I hope you get better soon." Luke smiled, looking into Zander's beautiful eyes.

"Me too." Zander scoffed sarcastically, thought he really meant it.

Luke giggled at Zander's comment; he kissed his cheek before saying, "Love you, Zan."

"Love you too, Lukey."

This one was pretty short, But hope you enjoyed it!

𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ♡ (complete//hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now