Chapter 3

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There were people everywhere. We have been here for an hour. Its cold. Im hungry. "Why did I agree to this again Toby?" I asked as he was looking at a card that was a mint 10, Whatever that means "because I wanted you to go!" He said "I'm hungry" I said "I wanted to stay a little longer though..." He said "Toby, I need something to eat. Im cold also." I said looking around at the many people with cards "well I guess we can go. We have been here for a while..." He said checking the time on his phone "I didn't mean to cut this short but if I get to hungry it will be bad." I said as Toby and I started walking to his car "you probably should have mentioned that before we left." He said unlocking his car with a tiny thing in his hand "yeah, sorry I didn't know this would last for an hour" I said getting into the car "it's alright, at least you came. Thank you." He said as he put the thing in his hand into a slot and the car made a noise and held a steady hum "im sorry Zack. I'm getting mad for no reason. I'm glad you came." He said as he pulled a lever and then started making the car go backwards. In the silence that followed he pulled the lever again and made the car go forward and then on the way home he didn't pull the lever anymore.  He just stoped at the tall red lights and started moving again when it turned green. When we got home I was really craving some blood but Toby was here so I might have to eat human food for now (because im half human I can eat human food, it just doesent fill me up as much as the blood does. I'm also not to fond of it anyways) as we entered the dorm I started to walk twards my bag to get some blood but I decided that was a bad idea so instead I went to the kitchen and got me an apple. "So did you enjoy your time?" I asked turning around to see Toby sitting there looking at me strangely "yes I did" he said "whats that look for?" I asked looking at my clothes and then back up at him "its just funny how you went for an apple and not something unhealthy" he said as he smiled and laughed a little. I just shrugged and kept eating the apple. After I was done I went into the bedroom to see Toby examining something "what is it?" I asked "that pack of cards I got from that festival!" He said "cool! What does it do?" I asked "you open it and theres 10 cards inside! This one is from 7 years ago!" He said as I went to sit on the floor with him. He started peeling back the tab and pulling it and then it opened with ease. The first card was a black one that had a bar code on it but for some reason he got really excited about it "See that?! Thats a white code card!" He said as he took it off the stack and showed it to me. I look at him like he was crazy and he read my expression and explained how green code cards mean that theres not a really good card in there and how the white ones means the opposite. Then he did something weird with the cards. He took 4 from the back of the pack--which was acctually the top to us because he had them face down--and put them in front of the other ones. He was being super careful to not bend the cards when he turned them over and put them in his hand so you could only see one at a time. "A fire card~" he said as he saw the card on top. He pulled on the card and there was another under it. "Person" he said after he revealed the card. Then he revealed the next one.He kept telling me the names of the cards when he revealed them. I couldent remember any of them so I couldent tell you names. He had pulled 7 cards before he paused. The next card was reflective, it had a foil on it but it had the same picture of one of the ones before"I like that one" I said when he revealed it "ehh its a duplicate Wait till the next one! It should be awesome!" He said as he very slowly pushed the foil card up...

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