Chapter 14

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No no no. This cant be happening. I cant lose Toby. Not now. What do I do? What can I do? This is bad. Really bad. "Zeke, leave him alone. This is not about him." I said, trying to be very careful with my words because one wrong word and he could teleport away and I'll never see Toby again. "Why'd you bring him here then?" He asked. Behind him Toby was digging in his pocket for something. "I dont know" I answered as I tried to think of what to do next "why dont you just give up? There's nothing you ca-" he started, but mid-sentence he started coughing. Toby had done something to him but I wasnt sure what. He had something in his hand that looked familiar but I couldent place exactly what it was. I saw Zeke let go of Toby, so he ran over to me. "Lets go! Get us outta here!" He whispered-shouted to me as he grabbed my hand "Right, right" I said before I teleported us. This time, for some reason, I chose a classroom that I went to on Tuesdays and Thursdays. After we got over the motion sickness I looked st Toby. I walked to him and hugged him. "I needed to make sure that your actually alive and im not dreaming" I answered when he asked me whats wrong. "What did you do to Zeke?" I asked Toby after we got finished hugging. "The mace, remember?" He answered as he sat on one of the desks twards the front of the classroom "Ohhhhh" I said in realization "I got myself a little also" he said rubbing his eyes "sorry about him, and me" I said feeling a little guilty. "Why are you sorry about you?" He asked, looking at me funny "because I couldent do anything" I answered glumly "oh beleive me, you helped a lot more than you know. If you wouldent've kept his eyes on you I couldent have pulled it out and sprayed him" he said as he managed a little smile "what made you pick up the mace?" I asked as I walked over to him "just a gut feeling I guess" he answered as he picked up a pencil "I wish he'd just leave us alone." I said as a sat on another desk next to him "also, he called me 'your human'. Is that a vampire thing?" He asked as he fumbled the pencile in his hands. Him saying this made me slightly uncomfortable. "Not all of us. Some, like Zeke, want to own someone. But for me, that sort of thing makes me sick" I answered. "Oh. So what now?" He asked, I guess trying to change the subject "now we wait" I answered as I looked around "but we have school tomarrow" he said as he dropped the pencil. "Dont worry, we dont have to wait that long. Only an hour or so" I assured him. "Alright" he said as he looked at me. He was trying to hide a smile as he looked me up and down "what?" I asked as I looked down at my shirt "nothing" he answered as he smiled a little more "are you sure?" I asked, pretending to be nervous "yeah, im just thinking" he answered as he looked away. "So anyways, what do you want to do for an hour?" I asked as I looked around the classroom again. "Im not sure. We probobly shouldent mess with anything though" he said as he got down from the desk. He walked over to the wall by the door and looked at a shelf of books. "Ah, the hunger games" he said after running his hand over several books "i've never read it" I said as I watched him carfully pull it out. "Its good, just a little sad." He said as he opened it up. I felt like he was acting funny. "Toby are you ok? You seem off" I asked him. "Yeah Im good, just thinking..." He answered as he closed the book and put it back "what are you thinking about?" I asked as he looked at another book "just this whole thing. With you and Zeke, and just you in general" he answered softly "Zeke makes me upset also, but we dont need to be sad because of him." I said feeling a little guilty "I know. Im not sad, just thinking." He said softly. "If you say so" I said as I looked away from him. I then saw the teachers desk and got an idea. I hopped down from the desk I was currently sitting on and went and sat at the teachers desk. "Hey! Im trying to teach people so come and sit down!" I shouted as I picked up a ruler off the desk. Toby looked back at me and smiled "oh im sorry Mr. Reeds, I also forgot to turn in that homework from yesterday" he said playing along. "Mr. Reeds~ I like that, it sounds professional" I said as I smiled and leaned back in the chair "I think it sounds like some teacher is fixing to give you detention" he said after a scoff "well I like it! And that homework, I will get it today!" I said as I pointed the ruler at him "oh, my bad sir. I dont care" he said as he walked to my desk and touched the ruler "How dare you! Detention!" I shouted as I looked around the desk for something to write on. "Nope. I wont go" he said as he shook his head. "Do this assignment then!" I joked, handing him some random paper that was on the desk "fine! But just because im your favorite student doesent mean that I like you!" He said pretending to be upset as he snatched the paper. "Yes it does!" I shouted as I set the ruler down "Oh yeah? How so?" he asked as he leaned on the desk and looked at me. "Because you *do* like me, and we both know it!" I said, crossing my arms. He blushed a little as he stood up straight. "Do you like me though...? He asked, sounding a little sad. "What kind of question is that?" I answered as I held out my hand to him. He looked suprised when I asked him this. "Now lets get outta here" I added as I winked at him. He carefully reached out and grabbed my hand.

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