Chapter 12

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"I feel kida guilty for getting over Zeke so fast" I said as I looked down at my hands that were clasped on the table I was sitting at. "don't." Toby said as he poked at his food with a plastic fork "I cant help it" I said as I put my flask of the table. He gave me a look "you see how much he misses you?" He asked sarcasticly "yeah yeah I know" I answered as I spun the flask around "you need a relationship to help you forget about him. Do you like anyone?" He said as he pushed his tray away "I don't think another relationship is going to help anything Toby, its just gonna add more drama" I said. Then the flask fell over and made a loud noise and a bunch of kids looked at us "and I dont wanna talk about it in school eitheir. Especially in the lunchroom" I added as I grabbed the flask and held it in my hands "oh... Alright. Yeah I understand" he said, sounding a little sad. Infact he looked to be on the verge of crying when he said this "what? Do you want me to have another relationship?" I asked, wondering what I said to make him so sad all of a sudden "Zack, I think you need glasses" he said as he faced me "why?" I asked, confused as ever. "Because you are blind! I know someone who likes you and you cant even see it in front of your face" he said, obviously annoyed "what? Really?" I asked looking around. He just face palmed "you'll figure it out" he said with a sigh "maybe" he added as he got up and started walking away. I was so confused. Was he talking about Zeke? I didnt think so because he hated Zeke, but I didnt know anyone else who showed interest in me. I tried to think of anyone else who might like me. Was it a girl? A guy? Do they talk to me a lot? Have I had a relationship with them before? Are they human? Wait. Are they human... Human. Is it a human? I want to say yes and i'm not sure why... Then before I could bombard myself with anymore questions our teacher started telling us to go back to class. Over the course of the day I thought about what Toby had said. But it was so confusing that instead of thinking about it, I just tried to pay extra attention to everyone that talked to me. And nothing. I didnt give up though. I was gonna figure this out one way or another. When I got home Toby was there, along with someone else. A girl. She had dark brown hair with green tips, and she looked to almost be a little taller than him. They were sitting on his bed. "Who's this Toby?" I said as I put my bag down and walked over to them. The girl looked ecstatic to see me "I'm his friend" the girl said as she smiled  "oh, hi" I said "Zoey, this is Zack."he said to his friend "it a pleasure to finnaly meet you! Toby talks about you all the time" she said as she stuck out her hand for me to shake it "he does huh?" I asked jokingly as I looked over at Toby. He was blushing a little. He whispered something to Zoey "what?! You didnt tell him yet?!" She asked looking at him intensely. "Shut it! Im trying to let him figure it out!" He whisper-shouted to her. So this was about me. He had a secret that he wanted me to fiqure out... Hmmm... Wait! Thats it! Or is it? Wait. It lines up perfectly, except one thing: Toby goes on dates with girls, therefore he probobly isn't gay/bi. "What up?" He asked, he must've read the expression of confusion on my face."well I think I have an idea of who likes me, but theres just something that doesent match up." I answered as I stood awkwardly in the middle of the bedroom. Zoey got excited all of a sudden and said that she had to leave and she did "what was that all about?" I asked as I looked at him "beats me" he said, blushing. "So, do you think I could help you figure it out? You can ask me questions, just not to many" He added as he looked away. "Okay. My only question to you is: are you interested in guys at all?" I asked as I sat down on his bed "only one" he answered, blushing a lot I think. He was looking the other away from me so I couldent see his face very well. Then that was it. It was Toby who liked me! That why he got so upset at the lunch table. Thats also why he's blushing all the time. Okay so I figured it out. Awesome! I thought of how this would play out in my head. I would say something letting him know that I found out that it was him and he'd be excited and then there would be awkward silence So instead of that, I'm gonna play dumb untill I find a good moment to tell him. "I dont kmow Toby, maybe let me sleep on it" I lied, scatching my head. "What? Seriosly? You dont know?" He asked in disbelief as he looked at me "I told you, i'm inexpirenced" I answered, smiling. Now the question was, did I like Toby? The problem here, is that I still have feelings for Zeke. I dont know why, but I did. He was stuck in my head like a broken record. On repeat over and over untill I'll finally get so tired of the record that I'll break it. But the thing is, I dont have a choice of when it stops, so it'll have to break itself...

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