Chapter 11

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"And you want this guy back?! What?!" Toby said in astonishment "yeah. I dont know why I just like him" I said a little defensive "Zack, listen to yourself!" he shouted as he threw his arms in the air "it was part my fault though" I said quietly "I mean if you wanna go that way I guess you couldve broken up with him but still! Do you hear yourself?! By how your saying it, it sounds like you were his toy! He only wanted you to play with! And you want him back?! What am I not getting here?!" He shouted, he was being really loud now "I dont know! I cant explain it!" I shouted back. I thought about what he was saying though. I thought about all the times that Zeke called me puppy, all the times that he hurt me for trying to help him or other living things. Even if he was toying with me, I still loved him and I didnt know why. "Im not sure Toby... I just- I dont wanna love him, I just do" I said looking around and seeing about 6 people looking at us "sorry for yelling. I just worry about you. And now you've got me worried about if you like toxic relationships" he said noticing the people around us aswell. 'Toxic relationships' he says! 'Toy' he says! But the worst part is, that he was right... And I hated that he was right! I'll just have to get over Zeke and his toying around. I'm sure i'll have a new relationship eventually and maybe that one won't be toxic. I then got up from the bench and started walking. Toby followed, still saying about how bad that Zeke was. I had herd enough for today, I was tired of hearing that I was wrong. I knew that I was wrong and I know that he's just worried but it started getting on my nerves. Eventually I stoppped and turned around "shut up! I know that I was wrong ok?! Just shut up!" I yelled. I was a little closer to Toby's face then I intended to be but whatever. He looked a little scared "sorry... Im just upset..." He said very quietly. It made me a little sad to see that he was scared of me. "C'mere" I said softly, putting out my arms. He slowly walked into my arms and I gave him a hug "I dont ever want you to be scared of me. I will never hurt you in any way. (Not on purpos anyways)" I whispered in his ear. "I know" he said in a whisper also. Then he said something so quietly that I couldent hear it clearly, the first word was 'I' and the last was 'you' but there was one word in the middle that I couldn't make out "what was that Toby?" I asked "nothing" he said rather quickly. I think he was blushing a little but I couldent see his whole face so I wasnt sure. "Lets enjoy the day now?" I half asked half told him "thats the best idea you've had all day" he said with a smile. "True that" I agreed. And we did! I had a bunch of fun skateboarding, and talking with Toby. It was also funny to see how worried he was when I fell. When we got home we were wore out. We got home at about noon so we were hungry "what do you want for lunch?" I asked Toby as I shut the door "whatever you want to make" he answered as he plopped down on his bed "okay, challenge accepted!" I said as I put my skateboard away. I heard him scoff and then laugh a little. When I started frying some eggs I heard him talking very quietly and not in full sentences. I looked at him and he was fast asleep. "Zack" he said quietly, then he giggled a little bit "stop~" he said "you know I dont like strawberry ice cream" he added, turning over and going back to being quiet. I was a little creeped out be this but I just kept cooking the eggs. Eggs were one thing that I knew how to cook, Toby had taught me how to cook them on accident because I watch him cook them a lot. When I was done I went to go wake him up. He was still muttering about how he didnt like strawberry ice cream "Toby, I made you some food" I said as I shook him a little. He woke up and looked at me. He looked very confused. "What? Ice cream?" He said a little weary "no. Food Toby" I corrected him "oh" he said as he got up. After we ate he was a little more awake. We were sitting on the floor, I had my skateboard out, and he was sitting right next to me. "So Toby, did you know that you sleep talk?" I asked as I examined the wheels on my skateboard. "I do?" He asked, blushing a little "yep" I answered as I unscrewed the screws on the wheels "what did I say?" He asked. "You said something about me and how you dont like strawberry ice cream" I answered as I got some new wheels out of my bag "that was it?" He asked, almost in relief? "Yeah?" I answered as I looked up from my skateboard "why? Is there more?" I asked jokingly "no there wasn't!" He said as he blushed a little more "I dont know~ Your face says otherwise" I joked "there was nothing! Im just warm!" He said as he looked away "why are you so close to me if your warm?" I asked as I started screwing on the new wheels "its hard to explain!" He said pretending to be offended "okay okay I'll stop" I said with a smile as I finished scrweing the second wheel on "you'd better while your ahead" he said "oh i'm ahead now huh?" I asked, continuing the joke "your not gonna be if you keep it up" he said, trying to hide a smile. "Again, your face says otherwise~" I said. He just looked away and crossed his arms. "Lets see how long you can not talk to me" I said as I started laughing a little. It took him about 20 seconds before he talked again "your right. I like talking to you. I just need a comeback" he said as he faced me again "mmh sure" I said hoping that he couldn't come up with anything "I cant think of anything" he said a little annoyed "you'll come up with something eventually" I said

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