Chapter 7

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I was running throught the hallway trying to beat Toby to the dorm when I bumped into someone. I almost fell but I maintained my balance and stayed standing. I looked at the boy I bumped into, he looked about my age, had brown eyes, and shaggy black hair. He looked very tired. He looked at me as if he recognized me but I had no idea who he was, untill he waved at me with his tan splotched right hand. "Hey pup" he said, almost smiling "hello." I said looking at his hair "how have you been?" He asked getting a little closer to me "good." I said as I backed up a little. Then silence. "I had a dream about you" I finnaly said "that's cool" he said "why'd you dye your hair?" I asked "my parents..." He answered as he looked down "I liked it brown better" I said as I leaned aginsed the wall "me too." He said. I'm not sure what exactly I was thinking, but I  walked over to him and hugged him. He put his arms around me and squeezed me. I felt myself almost start to cry. It was a while before eitheir of us talked, "I think we both needed this." He said as he loosened up a little. "Yeah." I said as I let him go. At this point I remembered that Toby was probably waiting for me at the dorm. "I've gotta go" I said as I looked down the hallway behind him "if you dont mind me asking, why?" He asked "my friend is waiting for me. He likes to worry a lot" I said. "well, I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked "yeah, I sit at table 7 for lunch" I said as I waved bye to him. He looked happy... When I walked into my dorm I saw Toby sitting at the table with a slip of paper in his hand. I went to the bedroom to put my bag down, when I came back into the kitchen he started talking. "I was worried about you" he said as he folded the paper into a rectangle "sorry" I said as I sat down at the table "its fine. Just try to tell me if your going to be a little late so I dont think you got abducted or something" he said as he looked up from his paper "whats that?" I asked pointing to the paper "its a love letter~" he said as he passed it to me "from a girl in my class" he added. I could see that he was trying to hide that he was smiling. The note read: <hey Toby, I was wondering if you wanted to go get some pizza at Dominoes later? Maybe around 6? You could call it a date if you want~  love Emma <3 > "wow Toby, it sounds like she really likes you" I said handing him the note, he was blushing slightly "what should I wear? What do I bring? What-" He started "hold your horses my friend, I can tell you what you need to know." I interupted. And after a buch of questions, answers, and panicking I got him all prepared. "Are you sure this looks ok?" He said tugging at the collar of his shirt "yes! For the third time it looks great!" I shouted "now tell me one more time what I need to do" he said as he faced me "okay. You need to open the door for her, pay for the food, and just enjoy yourself!" I shouted "okay, I got this" he said as he glanced at the clock "now go" I said to him looking at the clock myself. He thanked me as he walked out the door. "Your welcome!" I said as he shut the door. I sighed a breath of releif as I leaned against the door. Im happy for him, getting himself a date and all, lets just hope he plays his cards right and that this is a decent girl. I thought to myself as I went to the bedroom. I climed up the ladder to my bed and just sat there. "I wish Zeke was here." I said while I was thinking. I thought about Toby and Zeke, and how they have made my life feel happy and somehow they've brought me joy and pulled me up from the hole of sadness that I was in. Then I finnaly realized the feeling that had been taking over my life for the past two years. Loneliness. It was a word meaning I was sad because I had no friends or people to keep me company, or to hang out with. That I was sad because of the nothingness that surrounded me. That is, untill I met Toby. Toby made me happy. It gave me someone to share me feelings with, and to hang out with. And he was someone that actually looked forwarward to seeing me. As for Zeke, I broke up with him. Because of his stupid family. I didnt want him to get hurt. I wish i'd never done it. But I cant change the past, only the future. As I drifted into sleep the last thing I though about was one time Zeke said that I had worse mood swings than a girl on her period. He was right.... When I woke up I was suprised to hear Toby's phone alarm go off. I looked down to see him sleeping, it felt like weight that I didnt even know was there was lifted off my shoulders. I guess I was really worried about him. "Turn that dang alarm off Toby!" I said as I climbed down the ladder. He just groaned as he got out from under the covers "gimme a second" he said as he rubbed his eyes. He looked very tired, he had bags under his eyes and he was sleeping in his clothes. "What happened?" I asked as I put out my hand to help him get up "I- we stayed up untill one o'clock" he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled himself up "did anything happen?" I asked as I turned off the alarm "nope. We just ate and then talked for a while. I think she was flirting a little but I was so tired I couldent tell." He said as he yawned "that sucks" I said "yeah, I think we just took the wrong approch" he said as he shrugged. After we got ready I asked him if he would be ok today and he said that he'd be fine. So we went to our classes. My day was pretty boring, up untill lunch time. After I got my lunch tray, I sat down at my table and started to eat the human food. I was just about done when I felt somthing touch my shoulder. It wasnt that 'oops I bumped you' feel though, it was intentional. The culprit sat beside me and started talking "how can you eat that crap pup?" Zeke asked as he put his arms on the table "because im part human. Remember?" I whispered to him. I had completely forgotten that he was going to talk to me today. It made me really happy to talk to him again. He was wearing a black hoodie with a vampire on it. I remember that one, it used to be so big on us, but now it looked to fit him very well. "Yep I do" he said as he smiled at me. He lifted his hand up to my head and started to stroke my hair. He moved slowly as to not scare an animal away. I didnt wanna admit it, but it felt good. "so... How have you been doing recently?" He asked, I thought about this for a second "actually, this has been a really good year for me so far. I finnaly found a friend. And its even better now that I've got you back" I answered "thats great!" He said, smiling a little "what about you?" I asked. This question made him look at little mad, but he kept his cool while talking "it was going good untill me parents tried to arrange me a marriage..." He said as he cut his eyes. I couldn't beleive it, but I shouldve. His parents are like that, plus their homophobic so its a double wrong for Zeke to go out with me in their eyes. "Wow. Thats stupid." I said "yeah... But you know my parents" he said bitterly. I wish I could just take him away from his parents and put him in a better family. "whelp its time for me to go" I said getting up to throw my tray away "catch ya later" he said. When I came back he was gone, but the sweater was still there. "He knows me so well" I said to myself as I smiled. I then put the sweater on. Somehow, the thing was still a little long. "Am I just short?!" I yelled with pretend frustration. I heard a voice behind me say yes so I turned around and I saw the jock and his buddies laughing at me. "Yeah yeah, laugh while you still can" I said jokingly as we went back to class. We laughed the whole way there.

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