Chapter 5

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"We need to talk." I shouted as I put my hands on the table "okay?" He said moving his coffee cup a little to his right "I have a confession." I said looking him dead in the eye. "Im gonna try and start slow so I dont scare you" I said. He looked confused as ever when I said this "alright. So what do you think this is? Anything. Just what comes to your mind when you see this?" I asked handing him the bottle "well I want gonna say it but it lookes a tad bit like blood. It also reminds me of cranberry juice though." He said obviously still confused "okay. Now open it." I said leaning back in my chair. He opened it slowly and put the cap on the table "now what?" He said looking at me "smell it or drink it or something I guess..." I said very quietly. He slowly put the bottle up to his lips and tipped it where the blood would flow into his mouth. It felt like the world was in slow motion as he drank a little bit of the red liquid. Then, I think he almost spit it out  "eww! That tastes like metal!" He said, handing the bottle back to me "the weird thing is.... Is that its so familiar...." He added as he squinted his eyes. I knew it was a matter of time before he figured it out. That was one thing I was taught by my vampire parents when I was young: most humans know what blood tastes like. Then Tobys eyes got really big "wait." He said super quietly "this is........blood?" He added after a while of silence, then he looked at me "no... You cant-" he started. I think he was talking to himself "yes... Yes I can" I said. Then, silence. "I've never been around a vampire before" he finally says "Im not a full one. Just half" I said. More silence. "I dont know what to say." He said as he looked down at the table "thats ok" I said "so you guys kill people?" He said fumbling with his hands. This question suprised me "not really. Just animals." I said. it felt like this conversation was taking forever. "What? Isn't that what you guys are known for?" He said and even though he was looking at his hands I could see that he was confused "theres only a few of us that like human blood. For most of us it just reminds us of our past lives. But for me I just choose to not like human blood because I didnt really have a life. I was killed when I was born but the vampires saved me" I said "that sounds horrible." He said. "Its not your fault." I said. Then he looked up but was still confused "why are you a half vampire then?" He asked "that, we dont know. The common opinion was because I died so young" I said. Toby then drank some more of whatever was in his coffee cup "are you not scared?" I asked, I just had to know. He looked at me like I was insane "why would I be? If you'd wanted me dead you would have done it already. I mean we are alone a lot of the time so it woulden't have taken you 2 seconds." He said as he looked at me, I think he smiled a little bit. At first I was so stunned at this that I couldent speak for a moment "well if thats what you think then I guess that this doesent bother you that much?" I asked "for the most part, yeah." He answered getting down from the chair. This answer astonished me "im not joking Toby" I said thinking that this must be a misunderstanding "I know." He said putting his coffee cup in the sink. "Do you understand that I could kill you in an instant an-" I started "but you wouldn't~" he said as he washed the coffee cup. I was silent because he was absolutely right. "I can pretend to be scared if thats what your wanting" he said as dried the cup and put it away "no I just- how calmly your taking this. Its unlike I've ever seen" I said. He shrugged "well, not all of us humans are the same. Just like you vampires" he said. This made me think "I- you're completely right..." I said feeling a little disappointed in myself. "don't you put yourself down." He said, i'm guessing he heard the tone in my voice "plus I see where your coming from anyways" he added walking into the bedroom. I was silent as I followed him into the room "well its getting late. We should sleep." He said as he sat on his bed "yeah..." I said climbing the ladder to the top bunk. "Goodnight" he said. I fell asleep as soon as I lied down.

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