Chapter 10

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"C'mon Zack, I want to go to the park sometime today!" I heard Toby say with some sarcasm "this early?" I asked as I sat up "Zack, its 10:00 am." He answered as he crossed his arms "ugh fine, just gimme a minute" I said as I stretched my arms "okay, but I swear if I come in here and your asleep again I'll pour water on you" he shouted from the kitchen. I could almost feel the water already. After I got dressed and grabbed my skateboard, we ate breakfast, and then we were on our way. I hated riding in these stupid cars, it was so time-consuming when I could've just teleported but Toby wanted to go in the car so we did. When we got there I started looking around for some hilly places to do some tricks. The park had mostly flat land, a paved trail, and there were also some playgrounds and some water on the far side but overall it was nice. Me and Toby started by walking on the trail. Eventually I saw a tiny bridge sort of thing with some metal rails so you wouldent fall into the water below. "Hey Toby! Watch this!" I yelled as I put my skateboard on the ground. I started pushing myself forward with my foot. After I gained some speed I jumped the skateboard up on the rail and grinded untill the rail ended. I then made the skateboard jump off the rail and stop. I looked back at Toby's now suprised look "what?" I asked "was that just to cool for you?" I added as I stomped on one end of the skateboard and picked it up after it almost jumped up at me. "You should be careful! You could break something, or fall, or-" he started "Toby, I'll be ok. And if I do fall im sure ill be fine" I interupted as I walked over to him "you at least need a helmet though" he said "I'll get one, eventually" I lied as I scratched my head. He crossed his arms and looked me in the eye "I know that yout lying to me mister! You'd better get one or else!" He shouted in a tone where I couldent tell if he was joking or not. "How did you know I was lying?" I asked as we started walking again "why would I tell you? Then you'd stop doing it" he answered "fair point" I said as we crossed the bridge thing "plus I cant have you dying this young anyways, I mean were only 17. Or at least I am. How old are you?" He asked. "I'm 19" I answered a little glumly. He stopped walking and looked up at me "19?! What did you fail? Or has you birthday already happened?" He asked pretty loud "no, my birthday is in October. And yes I failed. I'll tell you when we reach this bench up here, its a long conversation" I answered as I pointed to an upcoming bench. When we got there I sat in the middle of the bench and Toby sat to my right. He was really close to me for some reason. "So I failed 11th grade. Twice." I said, dissapointed in myself "why?" He asked, clearly confused "I'm not really sure" I answered, scratching my head "your lying again" he said as he looked at me "no i'm not. Wouldent I know if I was lying or not? Im really not sure" I said still looking forward "hmm what happened when you started 11th grade then?" He asked, unconvinced. I scanned my brain for anything that happened only in the years that I failed. "The only thing I can think of is that those were the years that I was with Zeke" I said still facing fotward "okay, what did you and Zeke do? Did you guys hang out a lot?" He asked "yeah-" I started. Then all the memories started flooding in. Most of them were not the best either. I think I kinda gazed off for a second because Toby put his hand on my shoulder and asked me if I was ok. "Yeah, yeah im good. Im just remembering some things." I said looking away "tell me" he said softly as he removed his hand from my shoulder "well for starters-" I started, looking around trying to focus on something so I could think. Trying to sort out my thoughts that didn't want to exist. But they did, and they will, and they'll keep hiding themselves untill I let them out. "Look at me when your talking Zack" Toby said quietly. I turned around and looked at him in the face. "Zeke was my first. My first kiss, my first real relationship. He also kinda umm took my virginity" I said, a little embarrassed. "What?! Your not a virgin?!" Toby asked looking at me like I was crazy "you are?" I asked "yes I am!" He answered a little louder then he was talking before "how? We're in 12th grade! How have you not-" I started "because I dont want to! Its personal preference!" He said. At this point we had someone looking at us a little strangely, they were walking on the trail. "Anyways, if I may, how did it happen?" He asked quietly "it was the last 9 weeks of the first school year I failed. I was trying to get my grades to at least D's because I had made bad grades in the past 9 weeks. I was in my science class. I had asked the teacher to go to the bathroom and she said that I could go. When I got there I saw Zeke beating up a small werewolf. I told him to stop and tried to get him off the werewolf but he just slung me off him and into the wall. He then told the werewolf to run along and stay outta trouble. He walked over to me and put his hand out to help me get up so I grabbed it and pulled myself up. He said that he was sorry and that I was supposed to know that when he has his moments that I cant stop them. I dont know why but I told him that it was ok and that he just needed better control even though he was partly lying. He didnt have 'moments'. That was just his excuse. We then proceeded to make out. But the different part was, all of a sudden he stopped and started whispering in my ear. He whispered I want you puppy. He'd never called me puppy before, just pup. I didnt really know what to say so I just said that I was already his. No puppy, I wanna do it he whispered to me. This was the first time he'd ever talked about anything like this so I was a little nervous because if I couldent stop his from beating up someone then how could I stop this? I told him that I didn't think that was a good idea and he stepped away from me for a second. He told me that there had to be a way to turn me on. I didnt know anything about it because I'd never even gotten close to wanting to do anything like that. I told him that I didnt know what it was and I was gonna say that I didnt wanna find out but he cut me off and said why dont we experiment. Then somehow I convinced him to at least take it to the dorm and not at school so thats what we did. And then boom, virginity lost, forever... Plus I was sore for a solid week after that too" I said

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