Chapter 4

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...and it was another foil one he got really excited about. I was confused, I liked the other foil one better. He called this one Mega something. This one looked like he was popping out of the card and that the little picture box couldnt hold him inside "This is a Mega card!" He shouted "I like the other foil one better" I said picking it up "be careful! We don't need to bend them!" He said to me while picking up the other cards and stacking them back together "I will!" I said looking at the card and moving it back and fourth watching it shimmer in the light. The card had this brown fox thing that had a crème colored mane and tip of the tail. It looked to be running in the grass but was captured in mid-jump so it almost looked to be flying. "Do you want that one?" Toby asked "I'm good. I don't wanna take it from you. I mean you just bought it." I said giving the card back to him "is it because it's the foil one?" He asked taking the card and examining it "maybe. But still its your stuff that you bought and I dont wanna take it because it was expensive!" I said "well I consider you my friend so at least take the one that isn't foily!" He said in a volume that wasn't yelling but it was louder than talking. Friends. I havent had a friend in a while. It feels nice to finally have one again...... When he looked up from getting the card we locked eyes for a split second, his eyes were a nice light blue because of all the light coming in from the window in the room. "ummmm, anyways heres your card" he said, looking away "thanks" I said taking it and still looking at him "and you eyes look pretty in the light" I added before walking away. He didn't say anything but I could see out of the corner of my eye that he was blushing slightly, then he went to go put the cards in his bag. While he was occupied I swapped some blood out of my bag for the card that he gave me and went outside. I had drank about half the bottle when I came to my senses "I shouldent have drank that much. I guess I didn't realise how much I was craving blood today..." I whispered to myself. Just then the door creaks open and it makes me jump a little. Toby was peeking out "oh, there you are!" He said "yep" I said hiding the bottle behind my back "why'd you come out here?" He asks as he looked around "just to uh..... I'm not sure myself actually" I lied scratching my head "do you want some alone time?" He asked, I thought about this for a second "actually if you dont mind-" I started "of course I dont mind! Thats why I asked!" He said, smiling "alright then. I'll come inside eventually" I said looking down the hallway. Even though it was lit up, it looked really dark. Maybe because it was night "ok ill be inside now" he said closing the door slowly. Then he opened it again "oh and one more thing, please be carful. It looks scary out here" he said "I will, don't worry" I said as he shut the door again. I put the cap back on the bottle of blood after taking it out from behind my back. I stared at the bottle and sloshed the deep red liquid from side to side "this has been quite a year so far" I said to myself as I stopped moving the bottle "I can't ruin this. I'll have to tell him eventually." I said sliding down the wall into a sitting position with my legs out "not again!" I said as I banged the bottle on the floor, it made a very big echo down the hallway "I need to keep one friend... A good one..." I said to myself taking my hand off the bottle that was now a little sqashed "im sure he'll understand....... maybe...... Not..." I said as I started getting watery eyes "who am I kidding? No human wants to be friends with a monster..." I said as I used my hoodie to wipe my face "no! Stop this Zack! You do this all the time! Your not a monster! You just..... Just... Survive." I said getting quieter after every word. I took some deep breaths and calmed myself down a little "you need to tell him." Its been 5 months." I said wiping my eyes again. I curled up holding my knees with my arms "but how? What if he tells someone? Then what? This is to much for my brain right now." I said staring at the far side of the hallway "I need to go inside now. I need to stop myself from doing this. It only makes things worse." I said as I got up and put my hand on the door knob. As I went inside I saw Toby sitting at the table drinking something in a coffee cup. "Do you feel better now? I herd you yelling" he said looking at me, this worried me a little "not really..." I said coming over and sitting across from him at the table "maybe you'll feel better if you talk to someone?" He suggested as I put the bottle on the table. "Thats the problem." I said bitterly "whats that?" He asked pointing at my bottle. When this question was asked I realized what I had done. "Its... Umm.. Cranberry juice?" I lied, scratching my head, trying to think of something as dark red as blood that humans eat "was that a question?" He asked, clearly confused. "Is that what it looks like?" I answered looking at the bottle "kinda, its a little dark though." He said looking at the bottle as well "can I try it?" He added looking at me "ummmm well I cant-" I started "are you okay? You look like your taking an exam you didnt study for" he said. All this at one time. Its gotta mean something. If theres a something out there, maybe a god, its pressuring me into making a decision right now. So I did.

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