The Visitor

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"Those damn cats are nothing but an annoyance anymore." Adrianna said after appearing once again in the abandoned apartment. "They used to be so useful." She said picking up her wine and topping it off from the bottle. Almost as though nothing had happened, she went right back to how she had been. Mostly.

Moving slowly and almost carefree she looked around the walls and in each of the rooms. She looked at pictures of those who had lived there. A child's room with faded blue paint and a worn out set of toys. The master bedroom held a four post bed and a large dark dresser; the closets in the corner still held the couple's clothing. "Wonder where these three went." She wondered aloud.

"Slavery. It took 'em all." A male voice said from behind her in the hallway.

"And who are you?" Adrianna asked, turning around to face the doorway to the hall.

"I am no one of any importance. I keep to the shadows apparently better than you, and I watch all that happens in this god-forsaken city." She couldn't place his voice, which meant he was a stranger.

"Can I at least get a name or should I just call you Incognito."She asked wondering just how long he had been standing there since even while looking at him directly she still couldn't sense his presence.

The stranger gave an almost lighthearted laugh as he stepped forward into the light. " Adrianna you haven't aged a day and you're looking as healthy as ever for your immortal self." The man said as the moon light began to reveal him starting with the black dress shoes he wore. Moving gracefully up to reveal the dark dress pants and matching suit jacket with the crimson button up beneath.

Taking a half step back Adrianna couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Gr-Gregory?" She said in disbelief. "You died. The hunters staked you. You literally lost your head!"

Laughing again Gregory moved forward until he was arms length from his slave of the past. "My dear, do you really believe that someone of my age, of our bloodline, could die that easily?" He asked tipping her head up for her to look him in the face. "I see the shackles have been placed once more. Who's in control this time? A mortal, a wolf? How long before you're free?" He asked as a tear ran down her cheek. The emotions were nearly overwhelming.

"All these years I thought you were dead, and yet here you are." She said as the tears stopped. "Why didn't you come to me sooner? Why didn't you tell me you were alive!" She demanded.

"That's easy, you got stronger while I was away from you. I've felt your power grow, I've been watching every time you use it, unveil it. I felt your power in my blood all the way from Manhattan this evening. But to think that you would agree to yet another set of shackles when you know for yourself that you don't have to accept them. You killed the tribe that tried to force it on you. So why accept this one?" He asked, taking his hand from her chin.

"Because I thought you were dead and this city would be over run with slaves right now if I hadn't. It was me or them would die tonight or I accept the contract or shackles as you still refer to it." She wondered what his motivation was for coming back now. "Two hundred years you've been away from me letting me think that you were dead. Why come back now? Why not leave me clueless to the fact that you're still very much alive?" She had so many questions, too many.

"You used the band tonight didn't you? It's still in effect and everyone in our blood line can feel it. You have to undo it, Savannah." He said with a tone on the line of demanding.

"Savannah Moon is dead, and unlike you she's going to stay dead." Adrianna said as the mist began to swirl up around her. "Remember that Gregory. Because until you do, I won't undo it." She said sternly as she left the used-to-be man of her dreams standing alone in the abandoned apartment.

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