Dinner Time

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"Feeding time dearie." Racheal said from her cell that Scarlett had finally placed to the right about ten feet from her in the corner of the wine cellar they were in if she was really seeing what she thought she was seeing as racks on the wall across the room holding the ever recognizable green glass bottles.

"Joy, I've never been dinner before." Scarlett said, rolling her eyes as she leaned her head back against the wall jumping slightly when a door straight ahead and slightly to the left began to open showing a crescent of light in the darkness.

"Remember dearie, don't fight it. You'll only make it worse for yourself." Racheal said as the light revealed her sitting patiently on a bench in a steel bar cell in the corner.

"Alright red." The man that had come in said as he made his way over to her standing just out of kicking distance to test her reaction to him like a dog on a chain. "You've been requested by the boss tonight. First feeding and you got the big man."

"You'll have to excuse me, I'm not exactly in the best of moods at the moment." Scarlett snapped, waiting for him to unchain her.

"I'm sure you'll feel better once the introductions are made." The man said undoing the locks and taking hold of her arm to pull her to her feet. "Now behave so you don't get yourself hurt. The master wouldn't be too happy with me if you were bruised up like a bad apple." The man said with an accent she couldn't place.

"How many of you are there here?" Scarlett asked as she gave up her normal attitude and allowed the man to steer her across the room and through the doorway.

"There's plenty of us in and out of here all the time. Never truly an honest number yet never really a small one either. By the way, my name's Carlos."

" Carlos eh, I'm Scarlett. So how far am I walking?" She asked, looking at the long hall ahead.

"Once we get up around the corner you'll have another option aside from walking all the way around to the elevator, if you're willing to put your trust in one of them as Ms. Racheal likes to call us." Carlos said with a half grin half frown.

"That option being that mist or transportation thing your kind uses so much." She said knowing that if she wanted to be able to stand long enough to find an escape that would be her only option. But that meant being in the arms of a Vampyre, an enemy vampyre at that. With no more than a nod from her escort she stopped at the corner and after a deep breath stepped closer. "Let's get this over with. Besides, I've been curious about what it's like." She said trying to tell herself it wouldn't be that bad.

"Alright, top floor we go." Carlos said, wrapping his arms around her, holding her closer than she had expected.

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