The Assignment

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"Gregory, why do you let your love scurry like she is? You're only going to end up making her weaker if you keep this up. She won't be the cold hearted little thing you picked up at the sales so long ago." the woman said from the bar stool near the window.

"Magenta, be a doll, and shut up. I know what my dear Savannah is capable of and I know what's going on. I leave her to scurry because either way she's coming to me. Delivering herself to her master like the good little slave she is." Gregory said, swirling the wine around in the glass that Savannah had left there.

"So you let the mice run around with the worry building up in fear for that woman the others pulled from the mouse house. It's a shame she got to that boy before me. I could have had such fun with the little wolf pup." She said leaning back to rest her elbows on the bar behind her as she studied Gregory in the shadows of the apartment.

"You really don't know how to shut up, do you Magenta?" A male said from the couch across the room .

"Buzz off Jimmy. The day I shut up is the day you stray from Gregory's side for more than a day's rest." Magenta said, crossing her legs and bouncing her foot in small circles.

"Well then I guess it's about to get awfully quiet around here. Jimmy, I want you to follow Savannah. Try not to show yourself or get caught. I'd like it better if they didn't try to kill you before she's back on our side. Don't return until she does." He said, not turning from the window.

"Yes, sir." Jimmy said as a gray smoke began to fill his corner of the room leaving an empty couch as it cleared.

"Ya know it's a shame this city is so dark. When you said we were coming to a human city I imagined a much brighter scene, but this..." she paused looking out the window, "This may be the darkest city I've seen in my century of travels. The humans live in darkness, the streets reek of blood and the slaves are both human and ... well there's a large mix so I'll put it as inhuman. But either way the city shouldn't be this dark." Magenta said, seeming to zone out into the city.

"Would you rather the sun shine and show how down and in ruin this city really is? How better off the very people living here would be if the slaves did take over and annihilate everyone in existence within the barrier that encases this city." Gregory asked moving to stand with Magenta. Bringing her attention to him, and setting the glass down on the bar he continued. "The barrier that is holding in the smell of blood and death causing it to linger and build up so that those who come here like our kind are driven near madness by setting foot into the streets even for a moment while those who have lived here since birth or by force being bought and sold within this city of blood have learned to ignore the scent completely to where they would nearly suffocate if they set foot outside the city limits where the barrier stands."

"Well when you put it that way," She said, "How long before we can get out of here?"

"You can leave any time. I simply figured you may wish to meet one of your higher ups so that you don't mistake her for another line and literally lose your head to her. My dear Savannah is what I'd like to call merciless by mood." he said, stepping back out of arm's reach. "If you catch her in one of her moods the only one to stop her is me, if I'm not around or if I think you deserve what's coming to you then you're on your own. I will not protect the guilty fledglings of our line."

"Well then, I guess I'm sticking around here for a while." Magenta said displeased.

"You may not be happy about that choice at the moment but when you see her in action on one of those bad days I mentioned, you'll be glad you stayed." Gregory said moving back to the window leaving the glass on the bar. "Did I mention she used the Curse-band on an Amarok earlier tonight."

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