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"I wasn't talking to you now was I pup?" Gregory asked, moving over and picking up the wine glass from the counter.

"No you weren't but Adrianna's not able to communicate at the moment Gregory. Therefore one of us spoke up in her place." Arther said, speaking up for Nova.

"You don't know much about our line do you Arther?" Gregory said, moving back over to the sitting area with the wine. "Maker to creation, we have a sense. You would have to ask her if it goes both ways or not, but I can sense her wants, her desires. Sometimes even before she has them... Adrianna, your wine." He said reaching across and placing it in her hand.

A knock at the door caused a few of them to jump as Gregory stood straight again satisfied that she had taken the wine. "Come in Carlos." Gregory called out, causing the jumpy hunters to sit up a little straighter.

As the door opened the look on Scarlett's face went from horror and fear to that of relief and confusion. "Are you okay Scar?" Jacobs asked as Nova kept him from running to her.

"I'm fine." She said with a small smile.

"Well now that we're all in one place again, what about this contract?" Gregory motioned for Carlos to bring Scarlett to the sitting area near him.

"You must ensure the safety of everyone in our squad as we leave here tonight, untouched and without even the slightest harm done. We all leave together in one group. Adrianna will be released from the contract and you will all be free to go your own way and leave the city. If any of my squad are harmed Adrianna will not be released from the contract and she will be sold tonight at the city auction where only registered buyers will be able to bid." Issaic said sitting up straight unlike the Issaic that Adrianna had first seen less than twenty-four hours earlier.

"Picky, aren't we young Issaic?" Gregory questioned glancing over at Adrianna as she sipped the wine he had handed her. "I assure you, you and your people are free to leave all in one piece with Ms. Scarlett once you yourself have released the contract."

"Uncle, you've had more dealings than I have." Issaic lightly pleaded turning to Arther in a silent plea for guidance.

"Issaic this is your dealing. I won't be around forever and once I'm gone you will be doing this on your own, tonight the safety of our squad is in your hands and yours alone. Adrianna said that you were to be in charge of the dealings with Gregory, not me. You are the one that read the scroll, therefore anything related to that scroll is your responsibility." Arther said strictly leaving no room for Issaic to argue.

"Yes sir." Issaic said, turning back to Gregory. "I release the contract, and we all go our own ways as if this contract never existed." Issaic asked standing to meet Gregory's eyes.

"Of course, but young Issaic, I'm going to step out of my regular character for a moment to give you a lesson that most of my kind and.. well none of my line would ever think of giving to a hunter such as yourself. But your uncle's basically leaving you out to dry and with your choice of words so far you're setting your squadron up as my line's next meal." Gregory said, making a motion towards Carlos. Who moved silently to the other side of the room retrieving two wine glasses and the bottle Adrianna had poured from, bringing the glasses back and handing one to Issaic and one to Gregory before filling them. "Issaic, when you make a deal with a vampyre make sure you phrase your words correctly." He advised taking a sip of his wine.

"How am I setting up my squad?" Issaic asked while their host was drinking.

"Try the wine young Issaic. As for your words, and I quote 'I release the contract, and we all go our own ways as if this contract never existed.' why that was the wrong thing to say is simple." Gregory stated pausing and waiting for Issaic's response on the wine only receiving a nod showing it was good. "If we act as though this contract had never taken place you and your squadron will be fair game for anyone in this building. Plus if you release the contract you cannot hold true to your words only moments before that making you look unfaithful to your very words, and I quote again 'If any of my squadron are harmed Adrianna will not be released from the contract and she will be sold tonight at the city auction where only registered buyers of the city will be able to bid.' My question to you dear boy is that if you release her from the contract, she will be with me and not with you. So how will you not undo the contract if it's already undone? If you manage to explain that then please answer me this, how will you sell her at an auction where she is not present, and when she has been released from the contract binding her to your services? Besides the point that the Adrianna you have been around for the past few hours is not the Adrianna I have known for the past few hundred years, how do you expect to hold the contract over our heads when she will be with me and released from the contract before your dear friend here is released from my possession?" Gregory questioned, swirling his wine before drinking again.

"Damn Issaic, you don't barter and deal much do you?" Nova asked, looking at him sideways.

"No Nova, I don't." Issaic spit without turning away from Gregory. "Then allow me to rephrase my words sir." Issaic said before taking a drink from his glass. "You release Scarlett from your possession and I swear upon the magic in my veins that the moment my squadron is safe from those of your line that Adrianna's contract will be broken and therefore undone. However if even one of my squadron is harmed on our way to the barracks Adrianna's Contract will become permanent until she is no more. She will be the silent creature of the night you see before you now for the rest of her existence, whether I am alive or not." Issaic said, setting down his wine glass on the table between him and Gregory.

"Much better, not perfect but better. However I'm done giving advice for the night. Wouldn't want my underlings to start thinking I've gone soft." He said with a laugh. "I will agree to your standards young Issaic, IF, Adrianna feels they are agreeable." Gregory said, turning his eyes to her.

Adrianna wiggled her glass a few times before Nova got the hint that she wanted him to take it. Once he had set it on the table she pointed at her mouth and glared at Issaic. "Fine, Adrianna. I release your voice to you for one hour." Issaic said hoping it wouldn't be only for an hour.

"Finally." Adrianna said leaning back into the cushions on the couch. "Yes Gregory, the senses go both ways. This deal is risky especially since I'm not the best at keeping quiet for any more time than it takes to hunt. But I think if we were to send escorts with them that we can threaten to the point where they won't want a drop of the witches blood than maybe this'll work. You know we have a few that can't follow orders to save their own asses when blood is in the picture." She said before turning to face Issaic. "And when do you plan on removing these cuffs? They're annoying and I'm getting tired of having my wrists chained up so close to my neck. I don't even rest my elbows on a desk or my knee to lean my head on when I'm not bound and yet for the past twenty-four hours it seems like the next great fashion statement in this city!" Adrianna said pulling at the cuffs again.

"They come off when we walk out that door." Issaic replied shortly.

"Well then you're cutting yourself short on protection then because some of those in this building fear me more than Gregory, and would be more willing to stay clear of you on your way out if I was released." She said with a grin.

"Is that true Gregory, you brought underlings that fear her more than their maker?" Issaic asked with surprise showing in his voice.

"She and I created those ones together. We both brought them in and turned them, but she broke them in and taught them how to hunt and took each one to death's doorstep when they were on the border of insanity once they started to gain power. She broke their spirits and brought fear into the body's that believed they would never fear again." Gregory said with a proud smile at the memories he and Adrianna shared.

"Uncle?" Issaic said looking back to Arther.

"I told you Issaic I'm staying out of this you have a squad, talk to them. If you communicate with them than you have more insight and if something goes wrong you can't blame yourself for any deaths because it would be a group effort." Arther said crossing his arms.

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