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Gregory moved around the room in a mortal speed lighting candles and turning on the lamps in the corners. He set out the wine glasses and moved back to the window just in time to see Adrianna's group begin to follow Magenta into the building. With a short lived laugh he moved away from the window and over to the three sided couch where he would be waiting when they walked through the door.

"How long before this thing lets us out?" Nova complained as they stood waiting for the elevator to let them out onto the top floor.

"Not long, keep your leash on pup." Magenta said, rolling her eyes at Nova as the doors began to slide open. "Alright, all you fun lovers, onto the main event of our night." Magenta said, stepping off and to the side of the open doorway.

Adrianna gave a small sigh as she recognized the smell coming from the room at the end of the small hallway. "No security this far eh fledgling?" She asked, looking at Magenta as she passed her.

"No there's plenty on the outside and the master can take care of himself, that you should know for yourself." She replied with the smile that barely hid the venom of her hatred.

"You're smart to respect the elder but I recommend you work on that smile of yours girly. I' ll be back in my place soon, wouldn't want you getting yourself hurt now would we?" Adrianna said as she followed Arther and Issaic down the short hall and to the door before Arther stopped. "Arther, you're better off just opening the door and going in. He knows we're here and he doesn't like to be kept waiting." Adrianna said keeping as much distance as the group allowed from the old man's back.

"Issaic." Arther said in a strict voice.

"Adrianna. Silence, until you're released you will not speak another word nor send another thought. Understood?" Issaic demanded from his position.

As she nodded with a look of annoyance Arther opened the door and the group of hunters moved into the room followed by Magenta at a semi-safe distance.

The room was fairly lit by the lamps in the corners, enough so that even a mortal with no enhanced vision could move safely through the area without trouble. The large 'u' shaped seating area held a tall man in a crimson dress shirt and black dress pants sitting relaxed facing the doorway with a glass of wine on the table before him.

"Ah, my dear Adrianna's finally home." He said with a simple smile showing extended fangs in the lamplight.

Adrianna, unable to speak, simply bowed her head before looking him in the eyes from the center of the group. "Adrianna is unable to speak at the moment. Once our business is complete you two can speak until the end of time. Now where is Scarlett?" Issaic demanded.

"Please come in and have a seat. Your friend will be joining us shortly." Gregory said rising from his seat with the feline grace their kind was known for.

Issaic began to move forward as he spoke with Adrianna following shortly behind. "If Scarlett has so much as one bite mark one of yours will die tonight." He said as he and the rest of the group moved into the seating area while keeping their guards up.

"Jimmy, I thought I told you to stay hidden?" Gregory said, noticing the vampiress presence amongst the hunters.

"Your lady friend has quite the sensory powers. She noticed me even through my cloak. She's pretty much a mute audibly and mentally at the moment due to that contract though. No one else was really worth mentioning in the report sir." Jimmy said bowing as much as possible with his wrists chained to the collar on his neck.

"Let's do away with those, what do you say Jimmy?" Gregory said reaching a hand out halfway towards Jimmy. As his fingers moved lightly as if undoing the locks that surrounded his neck everyone watched as the collar fell with the shackles to the floor.

"Thank you sir." Jimmy said moving over to the wall to act as if he were security.

"You don't reach your sixth century without learning a few tricks" He said with light laughter. "Adrianna, how's about finishing your wine that you left?" He asked turning back to the group.

"I thought your lackey already told you, she's not talking tonight. Not until we get Scarlett back." Nova said receiving an evil look from Adrianna.

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