The Hunt

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"I never said you were wine Adrianna." Jimmy said, sitting next to her as they watched the squad scattering about to collect and organize their supplies.

"Oh I know that Jimmy. If I were a wine I do believe I'd have the worst flavor in the history of such drinks." She said with a small laugh. "Say Jimmy, since you've been caught and Gregory most likely already knows of it... what would you say to marching with me?"She asked crossing her legs and tilting her head to look at Jimmy. "Gregory gets a two for one deal his personal servant and his best Intel retriever for one woman, sounds like having your blood-wine and drinking it too." Adrianna said with a slightly evil laugh.

"Oh, why not. Just gives Magenta another reason to bash at me, she has more than enough already but she only gets away with it cause she's Lord Gregory's newest play-toy." Jimmy said rolling his eyes.

"Oh, so he has a new one in training. Hmph, how long she been hanging round?" Adrianna asked almost forgetting that there were more ears in the room than her and Jimmy.

"Fifty years of hell in a fifteen by thirteen foot hand-basket." He said giving the dimensions of every apartment Gregory had ever had. If he bought an apartment it had always had to be the same size as the last one going all the way back to the room he had shared with his creator and brothers when he had first changed.

"Just wait until she gets sent out on her first field assignment, she's only got about ten years left till he's gonna give her the boot for a few decades. Hell he give me the boot for two centuries." She said leaning back again in her chair to wait as the others started their preparations for the night.

"So is it true? I mean that you used the forbidden ring, or curse-band as some call it?"Jimmy asked turning his full attention on her.

"Yeah, it was the only way to stop a man from continually attacking me and not only the slave buyers but the slaves themselves as well. Hazaki, if he were to be changed to one of us, I'm sure he would out-do what that maniac did a few decades back. I'm sure he'd try and quench the fire completely and kill the entire city before moving onto the next simply because he's run out of victims to attack and drain." Adrianna said looking Jimmy in the eyes.

"That may be one that Gregory would have interest in one day. Should we bring him?"

"No. Hazaki, he would be no use to us. I know how Gregory works. This man he has no value for our vampyre prince." Adrianna said just as Arther walked into the room with an armed squadron behind him.

Issaic stood to his rear on the right of the center of the group. In a small bag on his side Adrianna could see the edge of the scroll for releasing the contract. "Adrianna Frost, my servant and my own. I command you, now rise." Issaic said in more of a commanding voice than he had, had when he had sealed the deal. Before Adrianna had even processed what she was hearing and seeing she found herself standing before him as Nova and Akima worked quickly together placing a collar and cuff set around her neck and securing her wrists in the restraints.

"Damn girl, you really are stuck under that contract aren't ya?" Jimmy said from his seat.

"What the hell just happened?" Adrianna asked pulling on the cuffs as she had done to break them during the slave riot.

"There was another part to the scroll. You see, the scroll you destroyed so long ago was a copy. It neither had everything in it nor did it have the best part on the controller's side of the situation." Arther said nodding towards the collar and cuffs. "Those are Vampyre cuffs, it'll take a lot more strength than yours to be able to break those. The metal from the blacksmith was cooled in holy water. They have been blessed by several churches and have crucifixes in the very mold."

"Can I have a not so religious set?" Jimmy asked backing slowly away from Nova as he moved toward Jimmy with a set for him.

"Of Course, you were willing to do this alongside Adrianna so this is a regular set of Vampyre cuffs and collar. Hers is for the more dangerous types." Akima said taking her place at Nova's side.

"Alright, never thought I'd be putting my trust into a group of hunters." Jimmy said ending his retreat and offering up his wrists for the shackles. As Nova snapped the locks on the collar around his neck Akima locked his wrists in place.

Issaic hadn't moved from his uncles side as Adrianna had expected him to during her out burst, this Issaic would not be good for her health and there could be the possibility that both she and Jimmy would be dead by day break if Scarlett had been harmed. As she tried her telepathy she realized how strong those cuffs were. Her abilities had all been cut off. While wearing these cuffs she had to consider herself more mortal than she had been in centuries. Even as a blood-bonded human or when she had claimed the name of Savannah Moon, she had never been so weak. "So this is the real power of that damned scroll." She said with only Issaic's last order holding her from collapsing to her knees.

"You are as weak as a mortal child. The strength you had at the purest point in your life, your existence." Issaic said not worried in the least that she may attack. The thought that he was within fangs reach and unsuspecting of any attack made her fangs extend to their full length pressing them lightly into her bottom lip.

"Adrianna Frost, you are under my control. You will do as I say and little more. No harm shall be brought down upon me or my people. You will walk within our circle and speak not a word until we reach the building that holds your maker." Issaic said with a tone that showed that he had noticed the fang extension.

"Yes master." Was all she could say as old habits began to take over and she found herself down on one knee before the young witch.

Jimmy was placed behind her in the center of the group as they began to move out of the building and into the blood stained city outside. Moving down the quiet streets the group remained as silent as the streets around them. As they walked Adrianna felt Jimmy try to probe her mind. Mentally she started to scream, screaming out for him to break it off her, release her from this hell that she had been tricked into so easily. When she had agreed to the deal she had planned to find a young human to buy her so that in less than a century she would be free and the time with that mortal would be no more than short term entertainment. Jimmy never even seemed to sense her thoughts that she had directed at him.

A few minutes later all those thoughts seemed to build upon each other and as they turned onto one of the main streets it all seemed to come out of her mouth at once. "Jimmy would you get this damn thing off my neck so I can have my damn power back! I haven't been this weak in centuries! Someone just please, Please get this thing off of me!" Everyone seemed to stop out of sheer surprise of the broken silence.

"We're here." Arther said looking up at the tallest building in the city where not only had Adrianna gone and left her glass of wine but Gregory had taken over.

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