The Contract

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Three hundred and twenty years have gone by, as Adrianna stood before the lights of the city. Velvet city, by rumor, was a seemingly a nice place to be, even with the crimson atmosphere that practically had her dying to hunt. Moving through the city had been such a treacherous journey that she had ended up using a simple thought to get into the top floor suite of the tallest hotel in the city. "Damn," she cursed as she hit her fist against the glass, and watched as it didn't shatter. "Well what do ya know, bulletproof glass in a city of blood." She chuckled as she studied the small crack in the glass where her fist had connected. "No one said there was so much blood here before I came." She said, turning away from the window.

Looking through the cabinets she found a glass and poured herself some wine. "Well Gregory," she said, swirling the crimson colored liquid around in her glass. "looks like a place you would've loved. With the way you liked to hunt, you'd chase just for the pleasure 'round here whether the hunger was hitting you or not." She said talking to her long dead maker and master. "I doubt there would be anyone left in this city if you were here." Turning people against each other by his influences, the distractions for his hunting. She thought to herself as she sipped her wine and gave another small laugh.

She moved back to the window and looked down into the night-life world of Velvet City. A theater seemingly long forgotten and abandoned stood a block over from her hiding place. Down below there seemed to be a tour going on...until she took a closer look. "Slaves?" She pondered out loud as she studied the collars and cuffs each was wearing. They were all chained together by one chain and there were four guards on each side of the group. Adrianna set down her glass before focusing and using her abilities to appear in the alley near the group, but deep enough in the shadows that she would not be easily seen.

The group had a range from weak mortal humans, to vampires, witches, and shapeshifters of all strengths and sizes. There were some who seemed more normal and others that most would define as freaks, the latter however, had always intrigued Adrianna for as long as she could remember. She moved slightly forward without a sound as she listened to the guards order the group into the back of a building. "You there!" A man called from the street looking directly at Adrianna.

After only a moment of hesitation Adrianna stepped away from the shadows that concealed her, she studied the group of guards carefully, especially the man who had noticed her before the others. "Yes, sir?" She spoke with confidence, standing tall, and letting her power caress the guards. She made sure however, to concentrate on the man who had addressed her.

"Who do you belong to?" He said, whipping out a small amount of power towards her. Clearly he was hoping to either intimidate her, or make it a point that he was not to be trifled with.

"I haven't belonged to anyone for a while now thank you. I wasn't informed that this city had slaves." She said, trying not to laugh at the young witches' powers. "You're a weak little witch aren't you." The words fell from her lips as she gave up on laughing. Flashing a smile that showed off her pearly whites and the lengthening of her fangs.

"So you are a slave." A tilting of the head. "And escaped, I'm willing to bet." A woman said, drawing her attention. Adrianna was sure her green eyes were beginning to glow with her hunger in these blood stained streets that reeked of the sweet copper heavens touch.

"Oh look, a kitty wanting to play," she said in an almost mocking tone, "Wrong mouse kitty cat." she scoffed, lifting her nose and taking a sniff of the air around her. "Please, are any of you guards human?" She asked counting; three shapeshifters, two witches and three very young vampires in comparison to her. Pointing to each one in turn she listed them off, "vampyre, witch, witch, vampyre, panther, wolf, bear, vampyre."

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