Prologue: Crash Landing

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The kick that was thrown at me whistles by harmlessly as I lean back slightly, avoiding it. I smirk and lock eyes with one of my training partners, then move my head to the right as a punch whistles past my ear from behind. I reach up, wrap my hand around the wrist, and flip the individual over my shoulder. The individual slams into the ground with an audible uffff. I launch forward, clashing with the first partner, trading and blocking blows back and forth. I catch a blow to the left side of my face. Shaking it off I slam a kick into their side, then spinning around them I elbow them in the back of the head, knocking them to the ground.

"Damn Carr, did you have to hit me that hard?" the first training partner says, rubbing the back of their head.

"You also didn't need to slam me into the ground that hard either," the other saying rolling their shoulders,

"I'm sorry Karra and Steera. I kinda got carried away. Please forgive me?" I say chuckling and rubbing the back of my head.

"As your Highness commands," Karra says bowing dramatically with a mischievous grin.

My tail flicks in annoyance. "Dammit, Karra you know you can just call me Carr. Or does the youngest general herself feel an odd obligation to being formal?" I shoot back. I smile and chuckle as her face turns a shade of pink.

"Whatever," she says folding her arms and looking away.

I laugh and walk out of the training room both of them in tow. Karra positions herself behind me and to the right, while Steera takes up a position on the opposite side of her behind me. All three of us walk down the hallway back toward the throne room, all the while being greeted by other Saiyans along the way. At the age of 10, all three of us are quite well known for our battle power and capabilities. Especially Karra who is the youngest general to ever lead the armies of Absalon. Steera is known for her brilliant mind and ability to solve almost anything, as well as fight alongside Karra and me in battle. I am known for another reason. I am the Prince Of Absalon, and successor to the throne.

As we approach the throne room the guards outside the doors smile and greet us then proceed to open the door for us. We enter and approach the dias that seats the King of Absalon, my father. When we reach the base of the throne, we stop and bow.

"Raise your heads children," he says with his deep, calm, but serious voice, then with a smile, he asks, "How was training you three? Didn't go at it too hard I hope?"

"No your highness, unless you are Carr. He tried to break my neck!" Karra exaggerates in mock horror and anger.

My father laughs, a deep reverberating yet comforting sound, "Well now that would have been truly unfortunate! For my boy would have lost a truly amazing partner!" he says with a wink and chuckle.

Karra looks away cheeks slightly pink from embarrassment. I shuffle my feet and clear my throat, "Father is that really necessary?" I say embarrassed.

He laughs again but lets it go. "Fine, fine. You are dismissed. Carr, don't forget we are dining with Karra's family tonight. Neither of you be late. Now run along," my father says to us.

"I'm going to go to the lab guys. I'll catch you later!" Steera says, then walks off in the opposite direction.

We leave and make our way to the training yard for the rest of the Saiyans. We pause briefly to watch the soldiers sparring, burn marks and craters litter the area, showing how intense some of the matches get. The Saiyans here on Planet Absalon have been hired as muscle, bodyguards, or in some cases an army if needed. But when there aren't jobs to do, Saiyans train hard, eat, and enjoy the time they have free sleeping. Families here are based around training together, or hunting and fishing. Its been our way of life since my father, King Bardor founded this planet 10 years ago.

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