Chapter 5: Training Commences

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Two Months Later:

I duck a ki blast, launch forward and draw my fist back to deliver a blow, but catch a kick to my left side, sending me flying. I flip, land, and launch myself towards the second attacker but have to stop short to avoid a fist from a third attacker. I quickly spin towards the third attacker and slam my fist into their face knocking them back. I then turn to deal with the other two but I am instead hit in the face by a fist, the weight and force behind it feeling like a mountain crashing into me. My feet leave the ground and I am sent flying back. Blood flows freely from a split eyebrow, down into my eye. I squint my eye shut, flip, and regain my footing, just in time to catch the next fist coming at me. I pull them forward, allowing their forward momentum to carry them straight into my elbow knocking the air out of them. For good measure, I grab the back of their head and slam their face into the ground. I hop back as a fist slams into the ground where I had just been, forcing the final opponent to follow me. I plant my feet and charge up a small ball of ki in one hand, while keeping the other free. I block a furious series of blows, then spinning around my opponent I slam the ball of ki in their back, letting it explode in contact launching them forward into a rock face. I stand their, arm out stretched, palm smoking, and breathing hard.

"If this had been a month and a half earlier, we would all be dead," a female voice behind me says. I turn and see Steera pulling her face out of the ground with a groan, blood pooling beneath her from her nose.

"You aren't kidding. I felt like I took the better half of a boulder to the jaw," Karra says walking up holding her jaw, a trickle of blood flowing from her mouth.

"It sucks now, but it's the outcome that matters. It just proves this training is working," Piccolo says pulling himself out of the rock face, one of his arms mangled and hanging limply.

I wipe the blood out of my eye and notice there are also half a dozen bloody scrapes along my arms. We have been training hard for the past two months. Pushing ourselves beyond what is normal, and even beyond that. To say it was paying off was an understatement. Our power had increased noticeably. But today was my last day here with them. Tomorrow morning I leave to begin my training else where. I can only hope it bares the results this was.

"Let's continue. Pair off. I'll go against Steera," I say, tearing off a piece of my gi and wrapping it around my head over the gash over my eyebrow. I then get into a fighting stance facing Steera. She spits a wad of blood to the side and gets into her own.

I shift my weight onto my back leg slightly, which causes her to charge. Our forearms slam together in a lock, which we quickly disengage and begin to throw blows back and forth. We duck, block, miss, dodge, and hit each other for what's seems like hours. Finally I pull my fist back to throw a rather powerful punch, but when I go to deliver it, my fist whistles through thin air. I flick my eyes downward and see Steera had ducked it, and then feel her fist slamming into my solar plexus, doubling me over. But as I am coming down she follows up with a powerful upper cut that connects with me jaw, making my teeth clack together. Blood arcs into the sky from my mouth as my head snaps back. I quickly slam a foot back to keep my balance, and catch the follow up kick to the side of my head, but this time I barely move an inch.

I wrap my hands around her leg, and slam her into the ground. Then I deliver a rather precise stomp to her midsection knocking the air out of her lungs. She grips my leg, twists it, then flips her legs around, and takes my legs out from underneath me. I fall hard onto my back, but not before I drive my elbow into her nose on the way down. As I land, her fist slams into my right cheek, bouncing my head off the ground. A metallic taste floods my mouth as I bite my tongue. I catch her next punch, slide my free hand behind her head, and slam her face into the ground. I flip onto my feet and back off, trying to catch my breath.

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