Chapter 6: When Saiyans Collide

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Don't worry. My husband will be here shortly.

"That traitorous dog is your husband? Now this makes it that much better," I say with a big smile gracing my face.

"You call him a traitor, yet you are nothing but a stranger. Unknown to us all," the one called Karra says anger filling her voice. I stare at her dumb founded. How does any saiyan claim to not know who I am?

"Why you insolent women, I am the Prince of all Saiyans! I am the heir to our people! I am Prince Lettu!" I shout my anger rising. She lets out a sharp laugh that rings out across the wasteland. This unsettles me a bit.

"Prince of all Saiyans?" she asks incredulously, "You are no Prince of mine. I would know. I served as the his general on our planet."

I stand there,, shock, rage, and confusion roiling within me. General? What the hell? I don't recognize her at all! Who is this Prince she speaks of?! What is going on!

"I'm tired of this. Where is Carr? You said he would be here, now where is he?" I ask. I'm starting to lose my patience.

"How about you face me instead, Prince of All Saiyans?  Carr will be here when he gets here," she says getting into a fighting stance. I just smile and slide into my own stance. This is good enough for me.


I had flown as fast and far as I can, but now I am jumping from one portion to the next of the winding path as fast I can. To me it wasn't fast enough, but to an onlooker it would seem I was just a smudge blipping around. I was quickly approaching the check in station but was still a few thousand miles away.

Just hang on a little longer guys! I'll be there soon! King Kai had told me that the other Saiyans had landed only 3 minutes ago, but I knew that could be plenty of time to slaughter a planet, especially for people as strong as them. I can only hope Karra, Steera, and Piccolo are able to hold them off long enough. I grit my teeth, and proceed to jump again. Almost there. Got to go faster!


I dodge, barely avoiding Lettu's fist as it slams into the ground where I had just been standing. The ground shatters and fragments of rocks are sent in every direction. One slices open my cheek drawing blood. I spin and throw a kick, but he catches it and spins me around, slamming me into a rock face. My vision goes blurry as I slam my head into the rock, and the metallic tang of blood fills my mouth. I spit a wad of blood into his face making him flinch back, then I slam my fist into his mouth.

He plants his foot back so fast and hard the ground cracks. Then he smiles and his fist smashes itself into my face, causing my head to snap back and my feet to lift off the ground. Stars fill my vision as his foot slams into my stomach and slams me back into the ground, driving the air from my lungs, and my head to bounce off the ground.

"You've got spirit, and you are strong. But you chose the wrong one to challenge woman," Lettu says as he brings up his hand charging up a ball of energy.

He smiles a wicked smile, but another ball of energy slams into his causing it to explode in his hand. He's thrown back and I look up and see Steera with her hand out stretched glaring at Lettu. He curses and locks eyes with her, and I see him falter ever so briefly. I don't even bother to think about it as I charge my own and slam it into his face blowing him backwards. He stops himself and growls, then launches himself at me again and grabs me by the throat and proceeds to slam me into Steera. He lands three very precise blows to my face bloodying my nose and splitting my chin open. His third fist slams into my right eye, shattering the eye socket.

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