Chapter 4: Plans Set In Motion (Extended)

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I stare down at Raditz's lifeless body, a chill slowly creeps into my body at the understanding of his last words. There were two others, and with the reverent way he said the name Lettu, I can only assume he is much stronger than Raditz himself. If they are stronger than him by as much as he said, then a year's time wouldn't be enough, not even in the slightest. I won't be able to keep this world safe, I say to myself, dread starting to take hold.

"Carr, my friend, ease your troubled soul. There is always a solution to a dire situation," an old familiar voice says from behind me.

I turn around to see one of my old teachers standing there holding his staff and gazing at me with a calm expression. Kami, the half of Piccolo that was nothing but pure good, separated many years ago and is the guardian of Earth. I quirk an eyebrow at his words and give him a questioning look.

"I have someone who is just dying to meet you Carr. Not only that, he is willing to teach and train you in order for you to be ready in a year. Are you ready to take this next step?" he says with a small smile.

"Yes, because it is needed," I say then I look back down at Raditz's body, then to Karra and pause, then I say, "But first, I'd like to help these guys train for a couple months, and to say goodbye."

"That is very wise. Very well, but be ready before first light in two months time. We need all the time we can get," Kami says, then he says, "Carr, he almost killed Piccolo earlier. If he had succeeded, this planet would have been doomed."

My head snaps towards him with concern, but he waves it off. I turn my attention back to Karra, who had begun to walk towards where Steera still was. I follow her over and help her get Steera up off the ground. We drape her arms over our shoulders and walk her over to Raditz's ship and sit her down, propped up against it. I smile and check her for serious injuries, but only find minor cuts, burns, and some bruising. Her clothes are ripped and burned in many places, so I pull off my Gi top and give it to her. Then I turn back to the ship and open it letting Shin out. As he hops out he smiles, and I return the smile giving him a thumbs up. Then I turn back to Raditz's body.

"I think we should bury hi-," I begin to say, but then I'm cut off by a an explosion that kicks up dust into the air. After it clears, I see that his body no longer exists. I spin around and see a bloodied, and burnt Piccolo touching down on the ground.

"What, you couldn't finish the job Carr?" he sneers at me, walking with a slight limp. I bring my blood soaked hand, and forearm up in front of me, then start towards Piccolo.

"There is no need to thank me I kn-," he begins to say, but is cut off by my fist smashing into his mouth, knocking him off his feet. I kneel onto his chest and slam my left fist into his face, splattering little bite of blood across the ground. Then the right fist splashing more of his blood across the ground. I grab him by his collar, and pull his face close to mine.

"You have no right! You have no right in trying to take this as your win! You are a disgrace!" I hiss at him through clenched teeth.  Then I let him flop back to the ground, stand up and start to walk away when I hear him getting up.

"W-wait Carr. I heard what he said. About the two other saiyans, and if he means what he said, we need to train for them. We need to train Carr," he says through swollen and bloodied lips, then continues, " It's clear that having a training partner is beneficial, let alone having two others like you do. Now imagine the growth with 3 other training partners. Carr I'll put my hatred for you aside until we beat these Saiyans, but after, it'll be just you and me again."

"Fine. We will meet you in the Wastelands early tomorrow morning," I say curtly. Then I continue to walk away and approach Kami and say, "Let your eager friend know I am honored and look forward to his training."

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